The Android/iOS work is based on GraalVMs Native Image which has some limitations. These can be found here: I stumbled over the problem with Method Handles when I tried to integrate some third-party software into it. (E.g. Log4J and NSMenuFX)(I had to abandon Log4J and fixed the problems in NSMenuFX.)

Am 20.04.20 um 15:26 schrieb Rony G. Flatscher:
On 20.04.2020 15:06, Michael Paus wrote:
This is deviating quite a bit from the original issue of this thread, isn't it?

As a side note: MethodHandles are not supported by GraalVM native image
and so this would probably collide with the attempts to get JavaFX running
on Android/iOS.
Would you have some link where there would be a technical overview about how 
Java and JavaFX support
gets currently realized under Android/iOS? Also, how is reflection supposed to 
be carried out on
that platform, ie. is java.lang.reflect available?


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