On Fri, 24 Apr 2020 01:50:11 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I think most of those are good suggestions going forward. As for the 
>> performance drop, the only place we've seen it so
>> far is on graphics accelerators that are a few years old by now. Integrated 
>> graphics chipsets (such as Intel HD) either
>> old or new seem largely unaffected by the shader changes. What we are 
>> missing is performance metrics from newer
>> graphics accelerators on Mac and Windows.  Even with the performance drop on 
>> older graphics devices, I'm leaning
>> towards not having the shaders to be shaders to be doubled, since this is an 
>> artificial stress test with huge quads. If
>> we could get performance data from a couple more recent graphics 
>> accelerators that would be best.
> Here is a slightly modified test program. It fixes a compilation error in the 
> previous, and also adds a system property
> to set the number of quads:
> It creates 200 quads by default. If you need to increase this or decrease it 
> to get something in the ~ 10 fps range you
> can do that with `-DnumQuads=NNNN`.
> [pointlighttest.zip](https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/files/4526179/pointlighttest.zip)

kevinrushforth commented Apr 18, 2020

I think most of those are good suggestions going forward. As for the 
performance drop, the only place we've seen it so
far is on graphics accelerators that are a few years old by now.

So 50% drop on a 2015 macbook pro is OK ? Do we have numbers on recent macbook 
pros ?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/43

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