Hi Rony,

I'm finally getting back to this. I took a look at https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/192 and I like that as the direction for this enhancement.

The initial CSR you have is a good start.

Next steps are:

1. Update the "Introduction to FXML" specification (see my comment in the PR) 2. Update PR 192 with the draft CSR as a comment, modifying it to include the above additions to "Introduction to FXML"
3. Remove WIP from the title

You can then close the other two PRs (129 and 187).


-- Kevin

On 4/28/2020 6:15 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi Kevin,

what should be the next steps?

Should I remove "WIP" from the title in <https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/192> and add the CSR draft text of my last e-mail as a "CSR" comment with PR # 192, thereby requesting it to be added to <https://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=JDK-8238080>?

Please advise.



P.S.: This is the RFE:

  * RFE (2020-01-24):

These are the three versions (all with appropriate unit tests) that I came up with chronologically to implement the RFE, would prefer the latest version (PR # 192):

  * Compile if Compilable implemented (2020-02-28):
  * Compile if compile PI and Compilable is implemented (2020-04-11):
  * Compile with fallback, if Compilable is implemented, compile PI
    for fine-grained control (2020-04-14):

On 22.04.2020 20:01, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Hi Kevin,

as I am not able to file a CSR with the issue you suggested to come up with a 
draft, so here it goes:

     Have javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader compile FXML scripts before evaluating them, 
if the script engine
     implements the javax.script.Compilable interface to speed up execution. In 
case compilation
     throws a javax.script.ScriptException fall back to evaluating the 
uncompiled script. Allow
     control of script compilation with a "compile" PI for FXML files.

     javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader is able to execute scripts in Java script languages
     (javax.script.ScriptEngine implementations) referred to or embedded in a 
FXML file.

     If a script engine implements the javax.script.Compilable interface, then 
such scripts could be
     compiled and the resulting javax.script.CompiledScript could be executed 
instead using its
     eval() methods.

     Evaluating the javax.script.CompiledScript objects may help speed up the 
execution of script
     invocations, especially for scripts defined for event attributes in FXML 
elements (e.g. like
     onMouseMove) which may be repetitively invoked and evaluated.

     Before evaluating the script code test whether the 
javax.script.ScriptEngine implements
     javax.script.Compilable. If so, compile the script to a 
javax.script.CompiledScript object first
     and then use its eval() method to evaluate the script, otherwise continue 
to use the
     javax.script.ScriptEngine's eval() method instead. Should compilation of a 
script yield
     (unexpectedly) a javax.script.ScriptException then fall back to using the
     javax.script.ScriptEngine's eval() method. A new process instruction 
"compile" allows control of
     the compilation of scripts ("true" sets compilation on, "false" to set 
compilation off) in FXML

     If a javax.script.ScriptEngine implements the javax.script.Compilable 
interface, then use its
     compile() method to compile the script to a javax.script.CompiledScript 
object and use its
     eval() method to run the script. In the case that the compilation throws 
(unexpectedly) a
     javax.script.ScriptException log a warning and fall back to using the
     javax.script.ScriptEngine's eval() method instead.
     To allow setting this feature off and on while processing the FXML file a 
"compile" process
     instruction ("<?compile false?>" or "<?compile true?>") gets defined that 
allows to turn
     compilation off and on throughout a FXML file.

Having never seen a real CSR I hope that this matches what is expected and is 
helpful for
assessment. If not please advise (got the name of these fields from [1]).


Also added brief information about the respective test units (what they test 
and yield) in the WIP  [2].


[1] "CSR-FAQ":<https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/csr/CSR+FAQs>

[2] "WIP: Script compilable+compile PI+fallback: 8238080: FXMLLoader: if script 
engines implement
javax.script.Compilable compile scripts 

On 20.04.2020 14:58, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
There is a new WIP at<https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/192>:

     This WIP adds the ability for a fallback in case compilation of scripts 
fails, in which case a
     warning gets issued about this fact and evaluation of the script will be 
done without
     compilation. Because of the fallback scripts get compiled with this 
version by default. It
     extends PR 187 #187.

     To further ease spotting scripts that cause a ScriptException a message in 
the form of
     "filename: caused ScriptException" gets added to the exception handling in 
either of the three
     locations: an error message, a stack trace or a wrap-up into a 
RuntimeException (having three
     different kinds of reporting ScriptExceptions may be questioned, however 
none of these tear down
     the FXML GUI).

This WIP comes with proper test units as well. As per Kevin's suggestion a 
warning gets logged
whenever a script cannot be compiled and the fallback gets used.

It is suggested to use this WIP as it includes the compilation by default with 
a safe fallback to
evaluate the uncompiled script, if compilation (unexpectedly) fails.

Again, any feedback, discussion welcome!


P.S.: In the log history there is a commit message "Make message more 
pregnant.", it should have
read "Make messages more terse." instead|.||

On 17.04.2020 19:37, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
There is a new WIP at<https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/187>  which adds a 
compile PI (process
instruction) for turning on and off script compilation if the script engine 
implements the
Compilable interface.

By default compilation is off (no compilation), such that one needs to add a 
compile PI
("<?compile?>") at the top to activate this feature. Supplying "true" (default) or 
"false" as the PI
data turns this feature on and off.

The WIP comes with adapted test units that test "compile on" for an entire fxml file, 
"compile off",
alternating using "compile on and off", and alternating using "compile off and 
on". This will test
all variants of applying the compile PI for all categories of scripts.

Any feedback appreciated!


P.S.: FXML files that contain unknown PIs do not cause a runtime error by 
FXMLLoader, they just get
ignored. Therefore one could apply the compile PI to FXML files that are used 
in older JavaFX runtimes.

P.P.S.: In the next days I will also add Kevin's idea in a separate version 
that will have a
fallback solution in case a compilation is (unexpectedly) not successful, 
reverting to
(interpretative) evaluation/execution of the script. In that version it is 
planned to have
compilation on by default as in the case of a compilation failure there will be 
a safe backup solution.

On 14.04.2020 19:52, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Yes, I agree that enough time has gone by. Go ahead with your proposal. I would 
wait a bit to
create the CSR until the review is far enough along to know which direction we 
intend to go.

Unless there is a real concern about possible regressions if scripts are 
compiled by default, I
think "enabled by default" is the way to go. Your argument that such script 
engines are broken
seems reasonable, since this only applies to script engines that implement 
in the first place. We still might want to add way to turn compilation off for 
individual scripts.
One other thing to consider is that if compilation fails, it might make sense 
to log a warning and
fall back to the existing interpreted mode.

Does anyone else have any concerns with this?

-- Kevin

On 4/14/2020 9:48 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Hi there,

as there was probably enough time that has passed by I would intend to create a 
CSR in the next days
with the PR as per Kevin's suggestion.

(For the case that this feature should not be active by default, the CSR will 
suggest to define a
new "compile" PI in the form <?compile [true|false] ?> (default, if no PI data 
given: true), which
is independent of the existence of a language PI (this way it becomes also 
possible to allow
compilation of external scripts denoted with the script-element, which do not 
need a page language
to be set as the file's extension allows the appropriate script engine to be 
loaded and used for
execution). A compile-PI would allow for turning compilation of scripts on by 
just adding the PI
<?compile?> or <?compile true?>  to FXML files (and <?compile false?> to turn 
off), which seems to
be simple and self-documentary. In general employing such compile PIs allows 
for setting compilation
of scripts on and off throughout an FXML file.)


On 04.04.2020 18:03, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi Kevin,

On 03.04.2020 01:21, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
I see that you updated the PR and sent it for review.

Before we formally review it in the PR, let's finish the discussion as to 
whether this is a useful
feature, and if so, what form this feature should take.

  From my point of view, this does seem like a useful feature. Would other 
users of FXML benefit
from it?
Script code should be executed faster after compilation, so any FXML page that 
hosts script code

The benefits depend on the type of script (and maybe its size and its 
complexity) and also on the
types of event handlers the scripts serve, e.g. move or drag event handlers may 
significantly. This is because repeated invocation of compiled script event 
handlers do not cause
the reparsing of that script's source and interpreting it on each invocation, 
which may be
depending on the script engine, but rather allows the immediate 
evaluation/execution of the
script by the script engine.

I'm not certain whether we want it to be implicit, compiling the script if the 
script engine in
question implements Compilable, or via a new keyword or tag. What are the pros 
/ cons?
In principle there are three possibilities:

      1) If a script engine implements javax.script.Compilable, compile the 
script and execute the
      compiled version. In the case of event handlers compile and buffer the 
compiled script and
      execute the compiled script each time its registered event fires.

        o Pro: immediately benefits all existing FXML pages that host scripts
        o Con: it is theoretically possible (albeit quite unlikely) that there 
are scripts that fail
          compiling but have been employed successfully in interpreted mode

      2) Introduce some form of an optional attribute (e.g. 
"compile={true|false}") to the FXML
      language PI that switches on compilation of scripts hosted in FXML 
definitions if the script
      engine implements the javax.script.Compilable interface. If missing it 
would default to
      (Alternatively, add a "compile" PI, that if present causes the 
compilation of scripts, if the
      script engine supports it. It would be an error if the "compile" PI was 
present, but the
      "language" PI was not.)

        o Pro: compilation of FXML hosted scripts is done only, if the FXML 
definition of the
          PI gets changed
        o Con: benefit not made available automatically to existing FXML pages 
that host scripts

      3) Another possibility would be to define a boolean attribute/property 
"compile" for script
      node elements and only compile the scripts, if the property is set to true

        o Pro: compilation of FXML hosted scripts is done only, if the FXML 
definition gets changed
        o Con: potential benefit not made available automatically to existing 
FXML pages that
host scripts

2 and 3 could be combined, where 2 would define the default compilation 
behavior that then could be
overruled individually by 3.

The question would be whether 2 or/and 3 are really necessary as it can be 
expected that
of scripts by the script engines would find the same errors as while 
interpreting the very same
scripts (if not, the script engine is badly broken and it could be argued that 
then the
interpretation part of the script engine might be expected to be broken as well 
which would be
dangerous from an integrity POV; the same consideration applies as well if the 
execution of the
compiled script would behave differently to interpreting the very same script 
by the same script

The current WIP implements 1 above and includes an appropriate test unit.

What do others think?
In either case, we would need to make sure that this doesn't present any 
security concerns in the
presence of a security manager. As long as a user-provided class is on the 
stack, it will be fine,
but we would need to ensure that.
The compilation of scripts needs to be done by the Java script engines 
(implementing both,
javax.script.Engine and javax.script.Compilable) as well as controlling the 
execution of compiled
scripts ([javax.script.CompiledScript]


On 4/2/2020 10:41 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
After merging master, applying some fixes and changing the title to reflect the 
change from
WIP to a
pull request I would kindly request a review of this pull request!

Here the URL:<https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/129>, title changed to: 
FXMLLoader: if
script engines implement javax.script.Compilable compile scripts".


On 28.02.2020 19:22, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Here is a WIP [1] implementation of [2]. The WIP is based on [3], which is 
currently in
review, and
has an appropriate test unit going with it as well, please review.

There should be no compatibility issue with this implementation.

Discussion: another solution could be to not compile by default. Rather 
compile, if some new
information is present with the FXML file which cannot possibly be present in 
existing FXML
In this scenario one possible and probably simple solution would be to only 
compile scripts
if the
language process instruction (e.g. <?language rexx?>) contains an appropriate 
attribute with a
indicating that compilation should be carried out (e.g.: compile="true"). This 
way only FXML
PIs having this attribute set to true would be affected. If desired I could try 
to come up
with a
respective solution as well.


[1] "Implementation and test unit":<https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/129>

[2] "JDK-8238080 : FXMLLoader: if script engines implement 
javax.script.Compilable compile

[3] "8234959: FXMLLoader does not populate ENGINE_SCOPE Bindings with FILENAME and 

On 24.01.2020 16:26, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

Thank you for filing this enhancement request. As an enhancement it should be 
discussed on this
list before proceeding with a pull request (although a "WIP" or Draft PR can be 
used to
the concept).

For my part, this seems like a reasonable enhancement, as long as there are no 
issues, but it would be good to hear from application developers who heavily 
use FXML.

-- Kevin

On 1/24/2020 7:21 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Just filed a RFE with the following information:

      * Component:
          o JavaFX

      * Subcomponent:
          o fxml: JavaFX FXML

      * Synopsis:
          o "FXMLLoader: if script engines implement javax.script.Compilabel compile 

      * Descriptions:
          o "FXMLLoader is able to execute scripts in Java script languages
            implementations) if such a Java script language gets defined as the 
language in
            the FXML file.

            If a script engine implements the javax.script.Compilable 
interface, then such
            be compiled and the resulting javax.script.CompiledScript could be 
executed instead
            its eval() methods.

            Evaluating the CompiledScript objects may help speed up the 
execution of script
            especially for scripts defined for event attributes in FXML 
elements (e.g. like
            which may be repetitevly invoked and evaluated."

      * System /OS/Java Runtime Information:
          o "All systems."

Received the internal review ID: "9063426"


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