Hello, Ivhabe created some time ago an OpenSource project called 
jfcClnvertercwhichvtefurect the Jz aFX calls to a Graphics2D context. I don’t 
know if it answers at least partially to this need. The project is here: 


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> On Nov 2, 2020, at 14:19, Bruce Johnson <nmrv...@mac.com> wrote:
> A variety of packages (for example,  VectorGraphics or JFreeSVG) exist that 
> allow redirecting Java2D drawing to output other than the Java2D canvas. 
> These work by extending java.awt.Graphics2D.  By passing the extended 
> Graphics2D object into a paint method, output can be redirected to a file 
> (.svg, .pdf, etc.).
> The GraphicsContext class of JavaFX serves a similar function to Graphics2D 
> of java.awt, but because it is a final class it cannot be extended to create 
> similar functionality as found in VectorgGraphics or JFreeSVG.
> This is a serious limitation (at least as far as I can tell) to JavaFX 
> applications.  It would be highly desirable to be able to redirect drawing on 
> a Canvas to other output formats such as vector graphics files (.svg, .pdf 
> etc.).
> I currently work around this by using composition.  I have a Java interface 
> that has most methods of GraphicsContext.  Then a GraphicsContextProxy class 
> implements the interface and contains an instance of GraphicsContext.  This 
> class is used for drawing to the Canvas.  I’ve then created a 
> SVGGraphicsContext and PDFGraphicsContext that implement the interface and 
> these can be used to draw to .svg or .pdf files.
> This works, but means that all code that draws on the canvas has to be 
> rewritten to take the GraphicsContextInterface rather than the normal 
> GraphicsContext.
> It would be much simpler if
>    1) GraphicsContext was not final and could be extended.
>    or
>    2) A GraphicsContextInterface existed that GraphicsContext implemented.  
> Developers could then have alternative GraphicsContext implementations that 
> implemented that interface.  This would require canvas drawing code to be 
> written to use the interface, but would still be very useful.
> Either solution could (I think) be easily implemented in JavaFX without 
> breaking existing code and add a significant advance to the toolkit.
> If there are alternative solutions to the problem, that would allow exporting 
> canvas drawing to vector graphics files without requiring a change to the 
> code that draws to the canvas, I’d appreciate hearing them.
> — Bruce

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