I should not even have mentioned the GraphicsContext for scene graph rendering. 
 There is something elegant about being able to easily make the whole scene 
render to some other device/file, but I’m well aware of the practical issues.

But I do wish there was a better solution for the original question.  Libraries 
like VectorGraphics and JFreeSVG are really useful for actual real world 
applications and I don’t see comparable tools appearing for JavaFX without some 
changes like I propose (or better ones than I can think of).


> On Nov 2, 2020, at 5:04 PM, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushfo...@oracle.com> 
> wrote:
> Yeah, there is no chance we would consider changing the JavaFX to use Canvas 
> GraphicsContext for scene graph rendering.
> As for the original question, we are unlikely to make GraphicsContext 
> extensible in the core JavaFX. I think the solution you came up with for your 
> application (with a proxy class and interface) is a reasonable approach.
> -- Kevin
> On 11/2/2020 6:58 AM, Michael Paus wrote:
>> At this point I would disagree with you. Doing so would just
>> result in a sever performance hit. I will not go into the details
>> here because that idea is out of reach anyway.
>> Am 02.11.20 um 15:42 schrieb Bruce Johnson:
>>> And if you want to think of even further advances (which I’d avoid at this 
>>> point because I’d like this to get done in a useful time frame), I’ve often 
>>> thought that all JavaFX scene drawing should use the Canvas 
>>> GraphicsContext.  So with the changes I’m suggesting that would allow 
>>> export of the complete scene graph to another device (vector graphics files 
>>> etc.)
>>> Bruce
>>>> On Nov 2, 2020, at 9:17 AM, Michael Paus <m...@jugs.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I very much like the idea in general but I think it falls too short.
>>>> Such an interface should not be tied to any existing graphics
>>>> framework. Instead it should be just pure Java. This would allow
>>>> to write complex graphics rendering code for a lot of different
>>>> platforms and not only platforms where JavaFX already exists
>>>> and can be used. Just think of the Android canvas or, via cross-
>>>> compilation, even the HTML 5 canvas.
>>>> Just my two €ent.
>>>> Michael
>>>> Am 02.11.20 um 14:18 schrieb Bruce Johnson:
>>>>> A variety of packages (for example, VectorGraphics or JFreeSVG) exist 
>>>>> that allow redirecting Java2D drawing to output other than the Java2D 
>>>>> canvas.
>>>>> These work by extending java.awt.Graphics2D.  By passing the extended 
>>>>> Graphics2D object into a paint method, output can be redirected to a file 
>>>>> (.svg, .pdf, etc.).
>>>>> The GraphicsContext class of JavaFX serves a similar function to 
>>>>> Graphics2D of java.awt, but because it is a final class it cannot be 
>>>>> extended to create similar functionality as found in VectorgGraphics or 
>>>>> JFreeSVG.
>>>>> This is a serious limitation (at least as far as I can tell) to JavaFX 
>>>>> applications.  It would be highly desirable to be able to redirect 
>>>>> drawing on a Canvas to other output formats such as vector graphics files 
>>>>> (.svg, .pdf etc.).
>>>>> I currently work around this by using composition.  I have a Java 
>>>>> interface that has most methods of GraphicsContext. Then a 
>>>>> GraphicsContextProxy class implements the interface and contains an 
>>>>> instance of GraphicsContext.  This class is used for drawing to the 
>>>>> Canvas.  I’ve then created a SVGGraphicsContext and PDFGraphicsContext 
>>>>> that implement the interface and these can be used to draw to .svg or 
>>>>> .pdf files.
>>>>> This works, but means that all code that draws on the canvas has to be 
>>>>> rewritten to take the GraphicsContextInterface rather than the normal 
>>>>> GraphicsContext.
>>>>> It would be much simpler if
>>>>>     1) GraphicsContext was not final and could be extended.
>>>>>     or
>>>>>     2) A GraphicsContextInterface existed that GraphicsContext 
>>>>> implemented.  Developers could then have alternative GraphicsContext 
>>>>> implementations that implemented that interface.  This would require 
>>>>> canvas drawing code to be written to use the interface, but would still 
>>>>> be very useful.
>>>>> Either solution could (I think) be easily implemented in JavaFX without 
>>>>> breaking existing code and add a significant advance to the toolkit.
>>>>> If there are alternative solutions to the problem, that would allow 
>>>>> exporting canvas drawing to vector graphics files without requiring a 
>>>>> change to the code that draws to the canvas, I’d appreciate hearing them.
>>>>> — Bruce

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