On Tue, 2 Aug 2022 07:36:11 GMT, Ambarish Rapte <ara...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Yes, in `PsMath.h::computeLight`, there is a check if the light requests 
>> attenuation. In general, this is done only for directional lights (that are 
>> not attenuated), but in this case we know that this point light is not 
>> attenuated so passing 0 skips the redundant calculation. In theory this 
>> would improve performance, but because this light can only exist alone I 
>> don't expect anything measurable.
> I see 4 tests in `PointLightIlluminationTest` fail due to this change, on 
> MacOS and Windows.
> Tests: 
> sphereLowerRightPixelColorShouldBeDarkRed
> sphereUpperRightPixelColorShouldBeDarkRed
> sphereUpperLeftPixelColorShouldBeDarkRed
> sphereLowerLeftPixelColorShouldBeDarkRed
> Error:
> expected:rgba(139,0,0,255) but was:rgba(180,0,0,255)
> The tests pass if isAttenuated is 1.

I'll have a look. What command did you run this test with?

Can you also test the point light attenuation under 
 (I think there's a bit of a mess in the tests folders.)


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/789

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