On Mon, 8 Aug 2022 22:07:17 GMT, Andy Goryachev <ango...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Personally, I feel that any manipulations with the columns structure should 
> clear the existing selection. I would imagine it's such a rare operation, and 
> the "fix" is so easy (clear selection) that it's not worth even creating an 
> issue for - but I could be wrong.

haha .. are you prepared to get lynched by furious users 😜 Just imagine you 
selected several cells across the table, then decide to hide an unrelated 
column (which is not as rare as you assume :) and all your previous selection 
work is destroyed. 

> > Don't remember if we have it covered in JBS?
> I did not find a close match. There is JDK-8095010; there is ticket you might 
> be familiar with JDK-8093855; and one possibly related JDK-8091191.

none of those seem to be related to modification of columns, so tend to agree 
with Kevin that we should file a new issue


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/839

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