Nodejs, Rust, F sharp, Selenium... those are indeed some questionable
entries for JavaFX.

On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 6:25 PM John Neffenger <> wrote:

> On 8/15/22 10:18 PM, Nir Lisker wrote:
> > I also have entries there that don't exist. I suspect they have to do
> > with building WebKit. Turns out they don't hurt.
> Right, they don't hurt. They're not for WebKit, though, and I found they
> over-complicate the sample as a starting-point for editing. It has
> almost every piece of software and programming language a developer
> might install (listed below).
> I'll post a minimal working '' file to the
> mailing list when I upgrade Visual Studio, in case Kevin wants to
> consider using it instead of the current sample for the Wiki. It has 82
> less entries in its various paths.
> John
> ==================================================
> Unnecessary entries in the '' Wiki sample not
> needed for building JavaFX:
> NETFX 4.8 Tools
> HTML Help Workshop
> Microsoft FSharp
> and all of the following:
> C:/aliyun-cli;
> C:/cf-cli;
> C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/go/1.15.8/x64/bin;
> C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Python/3.7.9/x64;
> C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Python/3.7.9/x64/Scripts;
> C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/2.5.8/x64/bin;
> C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/stack/2.5.1/x64;
> C:/mysql-5.7.21-winx64/bin;
> C:/npm/prefix;
> C:/ProgramData/Chocolatey/bin;
> C:/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/maven/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin;
> C:/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/pulumi/tools/Pulumi/bin;
> C:/ProgramData/kind;
> C:/Program Files/Amazon/AWSCLIV2/;
> C:/Program Files/Amazon/AWSSAMCLI/bin/;
> C:/Program Files/Amazon/SessionManagerPlugin/bin/;
> C:/Program Files/CMake/bin;
> C:/Program Files/Docker;
> C:/Program Files/dotnet/;
> C:/Program Files/dotnet;
> C:/Program Files/Git/bin;
> C:/Program Files/Git/cmd;
> C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin;
> C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin;
> C:/Program Files/Java/jdk8u282-b08/bin;
> C:/Program Files/Mercurial/;
> C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Azure/Azure Dev Spaces CLI/;
> C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Azure/Azure Dev Spaces CLI;
> C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Service
> Fabric/Tools/ServiceFabricLocalClusterManager;
> C:/Program Files/Microsoft Service Fabric/bin/Fabric/Fabric.Code;
> C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/130/Tools/Binn/;
> C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/Client SDK/ODBC/170/Tools/Binn/;
> C:/Program Files/Microsoft/Web Platform Installer/;
> C:/Program Files/MongoDB/Server/4.4/bin;
> C:/Program Files/nodejs/;
> C:/Program Files/OpenSSL/bin;
> C:/Program Files/PowerShell/7/;
> C:/Program Files/PowerShell/7;
> C:/Program Files/R/R-4.0.4/bin/x64;
> C:/Program Files/TortoiseSVN/bin;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/GitHub CLI;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Cloud SDK/google-cloud-sdk/bin;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft BizTalk Server/;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/Azure/CLI2/wbin;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SQL Server/110/DTS/Binn/;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SQL Server/120/DTS/Binn/;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SQL Server/130/DTS/Binn/;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SQL Server/140/DTS/Binn/;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SQL Server/150/DTS/Binn/;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual
> Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/Llvm/bin;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/NSIS/;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/pipx_bin;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/sbt/bin;
> C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Windows Performance Toolkit/;
> C:/Rust/.cargo/bin;
> C:/SeleniumWebDrivers/ChromeDriver/;
> C:/SeleniumWebDrivers/EdgeDriver/;
> C:/SeleniumWebDrivers/GeckoDriver;
> C:/Strawberry/c/bin;
> C:/Strawberry/perl/bin;
> C:/Strawberry/perl/site/bin;
> C:/tools/ghc-9.0.1/bin;
> c:/tools/php;
> C:/Users/runneradmin/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps;
> C:/Users/runneradmin/bootjdk/jdk-15.0.2/bin;
> C:/Users/runneradmin/build-tools/apache-ant-1.10.5/bin;
> C:/Users/runneradmin/cygwin/cygwin64/bin;
> C:/Users/runneradmin/.dotnet/tools;
> C:/vcpkg;
> C:/windows;
> C:/windows/system32;
> C:/windows/System32/OpenSSH/;
> C:/windows/System32/Wbem;
> C:/windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/;

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