On Fri, 14 Oct 2022 00:26:42 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> sorry for including multiple topics in one comment.
>> 1. it looks like your proposal will work, as long as the `active` property 
>> is not referenced outside of its owner (in our discussion, Skin).  If that 
>> is true, as soon as you set active=false, the listener is disconnected and 
>> the skin, the active property, and the lambda can be collected.  Thus, as 
>> you correctly explained, we need to create a large aggregate with two flat 
>> maps in order to avoid the memory leak (whether you hide this complexity 
>> behind shownProperty is irrelevant).  So yes, it will work, as long as the 
>> developer makes no mistakes and does not wire the thing directly (a mistake 
>> I readily made)
>> 2. as a side note, I would discourage a pattern where Nodes are reused and 
>> need to be reconnected.  at least in my applications, I never do that, but I 
>> can see situation when this might be useful.
>> 3. is when() a good name?  it sort of implies a time-domain criterion 
>> instead of when a boolean becomes true (whenTrue? whenAllowed?)  i could be 
>> wrong here.
>> 1. it looks like your proposal will work, as long as the `active` property 
>> is not referenced outside of its owner (in our discussion, Skin).  If that 
>> is true, as soon as you set active=false, the listener is disconnected and 
>> the skin, the active property, and the lambda can be collected.  Thus, as 
>> you correctly explained, we need to create a large aggregate with two flat 
>> maps in order to avoid the memory leak (whether you hide this complexity 
>> behind shownProperty is irrelevant).
> Yes, the `shownProperty` is there purely for convenience, and more useful for 
> regular controls, not the skin scenario I think.  I have this helper that I 
> use for this purpose at the moment:
>     public static ObservableValue<Boolean> showing(Node node) {
>       return node.sceneProperty()
>         .flatMap(Scene::windowProperty)
>         .flatMap(Window::showingProperty)
>         .orElse(false);
>     }
>>  So yes, it will work, as long as the developer makes no mistakes and does 
>> not wire the thing directly (a mistake I readily made)
> Yes, that's certainly true, I think the `shownProperty` will help with that 
> though, as I think it will prevent people from storing the flatMap aggregate 
> and reusing it, and perhaps then reusing it for the wrong controls.  Reuse 
> however can still be fine for groups of listeners of several controls that go 
> together.  If your control's lifecycle is tied to a group, container or 
> dialog, then it is perfectly fine to use one of their shown properties.
>> 2. as a side note, I would discourage a pattern where Nodes are reused and 
>> need to be reconnected.  at least in my applications, I never do that, but I 
>> can see situation when this might be useful.
> I'm not in favor of that either, and I don't think I ever do it, but it is 
> allowed by JavaFX, and so if you did, then the listeners would be restored as 
> they were, and since you had to have a reference to this reused control 
> still, nothing will have been GC'd yet.
>> 3. is when() a good name?  it sort of implies a time-domain criterion 
>> instead of when a boolean becomes true (whenTrue? whenAllowed?)  i could be 
>> wrong here.
> ReactFX used `conditionOn` and had a special version `conditionOnShowing` 
> which accepts a `Node` (this would however create a circular reference 
> between projects base and graphics).  I proposed `when` as it is nice and 
> short, inspired by the recent developments in the area of switch expressions. 
>  Even better would be `while` IMHO, but that is unfortunately a reserved 
> keyword.  Still, when works reasonably well: "Listen to changes of this long 
> lived property **when** this condition holds".  While would definitely be 
> better or perhaps "as long as" or "whenever" :)
> I don't think we should add "true" in the name, no other conditionals do this 
> (like `Stream#filter` or `List#removeIf`).
> `filter` itself is also not an option, as this has a different meaning which 
> we may implement in the future. `filter` would allow you to remove certain 
> values, which would set the value to empty:
>        textProperty.filter(text -> 
> !isRudeWord()).orElse("<censored>").addListener(...);

thank you for clarifications.

If I were to choose, I'd pick `conditionOn` as it implies a boolean.

Also, since I've fallen into this trap when reviewing this PR, I think it might 
be a good idea to explain how to avoid memory leak by using a local property in 
`conditionOn/when` so as not to create a memory leak.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/830

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