On Thu, 13 Oct 2022 23:06:05 GMT, Andy Goryachev <ango...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> I am late to the party (should have commented in #675) - "Subscription" is 
> way too generic and overloaded word for a functional interface. Any one who 
> is using real Subscriptions will get confused ;-)
> Probably too late to change now.

No, you're not too late.  The `Subscription` class is already part of JFX 19, 
but it is not public.

Subscription was the term using in ReactFX and similar frameworks, and was 
quite clear, but if you have a suggestion for a name that is even better suited 
than it can still be changed.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/830

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