On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 17:22:44 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Thank you. You do bring a good point - clearing the map. There is some mild 
>>> language warning about clearing the map in javadoc already, but perhaps 
>>> `Node.getProperties().clear()` should be forbidden (throw an IOE?).
>> A map can also be cleared with `Map.keySet().clear()`, or by enumerating its 
>> keys and removing each mapping one by one.
>> I don't think we can make the `getProperties()` map mutable, but at the same 
>> time safe to store final objects, while still respecting the `Map` contract.
>> Maybe we could have something like "hidden" keys, which are not enumerable 
>> and are never cleared by bulk operations.
> I think we can conclude here that this is a bit outside the scope of this PR.
> I certainly wouldn't be in favor of wrapping the property map to prevent 
> clearing or any such thing; if we want to save space in `Node` this way, a 
> dedicated structure that can't be accessed by users would be the way to go in 
> my opinion.  The space we save should compensate for the pointer to this 
> structure.  
> Before we'd even consider that though, I'd like to see where most memory is 
> used in FX so efforts can be focused in areas where it would net the greatest 
> effect.  For example, Properties are far more numerous than nodes.
> I noticed the use of the properties map by JavaFX itself -- the API states 
> that this is the case, but I wonder if that's really required.  It might be 
> better to keep these things in `WeakHashMap`, which is intended for this 
> purpose instead of strewing these properties about over the various nodes 
> which are then forced to instantiate the properties map vs just a single 
> `WeakHashMap`.
> For example, `ButtonBarSkin` seems to do it to keep track of a variable 
> amount of listeners. It effectively creates the properties map for each 
> button added (assuming the map is usually empty) vs a single `WeakHashMap`; 
> also it does this on an `ObservableList`.  This looks like something that 
> could be a standard pattern (given an observable collection, automatically 
> add/remove a given listener as the collection changes).  ReactFX had 
> `Subscription#dynamic` for this.
> It also looks like `ButtonBarSkin` might be buggy, which it wouldn't have 
> been if had used a `WeakHashMap`.  I see no `dispose` method and the 
> listeners added don't use the `register` system, which means it can leave 
> behind listeners that it stores in properties.  A new skin may conclude the 
> listener on some buttons is already present.  Or an old skin may not get 
> garbage collected.

FYI, `ButtonBarSkin` does have memory leak issues, which are addressed in 


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/830

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