On Wed, 26 Oct 2022 11:16:19 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I've rebased this on master.  For some reason I mistakenly based this on 
>> some old version of master.
>> I do notice the same kind of problems Andy experienced.  Eclipse can give 
>> many errors when switching branches.  Closing all projects and reopening 
>> them solved all the errors for me though.
>> I've rebased this on master. For some reason I mistakenly based this on some 
>> old version of master.
> As a reminder, please use `git merge master` rather than `git rebase master` 
> (the latter of which requires a force push and makes incremental reviews 
> harder), especially once this goes `rfr`. Since it is still a Draft PR, a 
> rebase is OK, but a merge is usually preferred.

> @kevinrushforth Maybe you can shed some light on these points:
> * John's comment above:
>   > I've added the manual ones. I think not all of the manual code is 
> correct. `DNDWebViewTest` has no `main` for example. The `swt` tests need 
> eclipse SWT libraries that don't seem to be around.

The lack of a `main` method in `DNDWebViewTest` was likely an oversight. It's 
optional for classes that extend `java.application.Application` -- they can be 
launched without a `main` method, but it confuses IDEs (not just Eclipse) so 
it's good to add a main method (although not as part of this PR). The 
`swt-debug.jar` library is copied to build/libs as part of `gradle sdk`, so 
it's at least available (maybe just needs to be pointed to)?

> * John and I found out that trying to run the Gradle projects under 
> apps/samples with Gradle (the `run` taks) fails with an error message saying 
> that these projects are not part of the root `settings.gradle` file. This is 
> true, except for the modules, the other listed projects are `apps` and 
> `systemTests`, neither of which are actual Gradle projects. Is this correct 
> behavior? Why are they Gradle projects?

`apps` is a special case. It's listed in `settings.gradle` as a project, but is 
built entirely using `ant`.

`systemTests` is a gradle sub-project just like `javafx.base`, etc. Everything 
is built using gradle, so I don't know what you mean.

> * I find it odd that `systemTests` is a subfolder of `tests`, yet it's 
> defined as a Gradle project while `tests` isn't. What is the reason?

the `tests` dir is just there as a way to hold a number of groups of tests. The 
only one that gradle knows about is systemTests. tests isn't really a project 
(or at least I don't think it should be) on its own.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/930

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