I have an issue related to child stages not being allowed to be as large as their parent stage under Linux.  It's somewhere fairly deep in the system, and I was wondering if that would be near these things you are planning to do.  I wouldn't know myself how to fix it, but can help where I can:


If not, that's fine :)


On 14/11/2022 13:54, Thiago Milczarek Sayão wrote:

I have some plans to work on gtk glass backend, not necessarily in this order:

1) Unify WindowContextBase and WindowContextTop - those were separated for applet support that were removed
2) Remove gtk2 Support
3) Add gesture support
4) Rework AlwaysOnTop, exploring _NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE
5) Fix DND: JDK-8273379, JDK-8280383

Some depend on [1].

I don't promise I will finish all of them, but it's the intention.

Comments are welcome.

[1] https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/915 - 8260528: Clean glass-gtk sizing and positioning code

-- Thiago.

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