On Mon, 12 Dec 2022 21:57:18 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This PR adds a new (lazy*) property on `Node` which provides a boolean which 
>> indicates whether or not the `Node` is currently part of a `Scene`, which in 
>> turn is part of a currently showing `Window`.
>> It also adds a new fluent binding method on `ObservableValue` dubbed `when` 
>> (open for discussion, originally I had `conditionOn` here).
>> Both of these together means it becomes much easier to break strong 
>> references that prevent garbage collection between a long lived property and 
>> one that should be shorter lived. A good example is when a `Label` is bound 
>> to a long lived property:
>> label.textProperty().bind(longLivedProperty.when(label::isShowingProperty));
>> The above basically ties the life cycle of the label to the long lived 
>> property **only** when the label is currently showing.  When it is not 
>> showing, the label can be eligible for GC as the listener on 
>> `longLivedProperty` is removed when the condition provided by 
>> `label::isShowingProperty` is `false`.  A big advantage is that these 
>> listeners stop observing the long lived property **immediately** when the 
>> label is no longer showing, in contrast to weak bindings which may keep 
>> observing the long lived property (and updating the label, and triggering 
>> its listeners in turn) until the next GC comes along.
>> The issue in JBS also describes making the `Subscription` API public, but I 
>> think that might best be a separate PR.
>> Note that this PR contains a bugfix in `ObjectBinding` for which there is 
>> another open PR: https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/829 -- this is because 
>> the tests for the newly added method would fail otherwise; once it has been 
>> integrated to jfx19 and then to master, I can take the fix out.
>> (*) Lazy means here that the property won't be creating any listeners unless 
>> observed itself, to avoid problems creating too many listeners on 
>> Scene/Window.
> John Hendrikx has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains 17 commits:
>  - Merge branch 'openjdk:master' into feature/conditional-bindings
>  - Remove example referencing Node#shownProperty
>  - Remove changes to javafx.graphics Node
>  - Improve wording in javadoc and comments
>  - Adjust Node
>    - Fixed javadoc
>    - Added comment for code that avoid eager instantiation
>    - Changed `isShown` to use property if it is available
>  - Fix javadoc error
>  - Fix comment in test
>  - Improve documentation of shown property
>  - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into
>    feature/conditional-bindings
>    # Conflicts:
>    #  
> modules/javafx.base/src/test/java/test/javafx/beans/value/LazyObjectBindingTest.java
>  - Fix review comments
>  - ... and 7 more: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/compare/8763e8b0...24872f09

Looks good. The additional tests for `when` look to be quite thorough and are 
very easy to follow. I left one minor formatting comment. I'll reapprove if you 
fix that.

 line 931:

> 929:         @Nested
> 930:         class WithNotNullReturns_ObservableValue_Which {
> 931:             private ObjectProperty<Boolean> condition = new 
> SimpleObjectProperty<Boolean>(true);  // using object property here so it can 
> be set to null for testing

Minor: can you wrap this line? (it's a fair bit longer than the recommended max 
of 120 or so)


Marked as reviewed by kcr (Lead).

PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/830

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