On Wed, 28 Dec 2022 20:16:51 GMT, Nir Lisker <nlis...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> John Hendrikx has updated the pull request incrementally with two additional 
>> commits since the last revision:
>>  - Clean up expression classes repeated null checks
>>  - Use instanceof with pattern matching in a few spots
> modules/javafx.base/src/main/java/com/sun/javafx/collections/MappingChange.java
>  line 38:
>> 36:     private List<F> removed;
>> 37: 
>> 38:     private static final Map<?, ?> NOOP_MAP = new Map<>() {
> I think that we can do better with a bit of refactoring. The `Map` interface 
> here is just `java.util.Function`. We can get rid of it and use `Function` 
> instead. The `map` method call in `getRemoved` will be replaced with `apply`. 
> The call sites needs just a little adjustment:
> * In `TableView::TableViewArrayListSelectionModel` the `cellToIndicesMap` 
> needs to change its type to `Function`, but it is also unused (didn't look 
> what it was supposed to be for), so no issue there.
> * In `TableView`, the method `fireCustomSelectedCellsListChangeEvent` needs 
> to change its 2nd argument in the `MappingChange` constructor to 
> `Function.indentity()` or something like `f -> f`.
> * Same changes for `TreeTableView`.
> I think that we can also use JavaFX's `Callback`, though I never use it if I 
> can use `Function`.

Changed as suggested; I removed the unused fields.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/972

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