Sure, checkboxes allow multiple selection in general, but as I've
said, I've come across lots of examples where applications use
radio-like checkboxes to do precisely what Andy proposed: create a
group of toggles where either one toggle or no toggle can be selected
at any given time. I'm not saying that this is a great UX, I'm saying
that this is a common thing in many applications. That's in stark
contrast to a deselectable group of RadioButtons, which I haven't come
across in any application that I know.

While one could use ToggleButtons for that, ToggleButtons are not
CheckBoxes. They look different out of the box, and require
unintuitive re-styling to make them look like CheckBoxes.
My point is this: if it looks like a CheckBox, it should also _be_ a
CheckBox. In this case, that's as easy as acknowledging that a
CheckBox is, indeed, a Toggle.

I don't think that the indeterminate state is a problem here. For the
"group of one or zero toggles" scenario, one would simply disallow the
indeterminate state.
If the indeterminate state is allowed, no conflict occurs: upon
automatic deselection, the ToggleGroup would set
CheckBox.selected=false, while CheckBox.indeterminate would remain
That doesn't make a lot of sense from a UI perspective, but it's not
something that would happen by accident. After all,
CheckBox.allowIndeterminate is false by default.

On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 7:19 PM Nir Lisker <> wrote:
> We already have ToggleButton:
>> Unlike RadioButtons, ToggleButtons in a ToggleGroup do not attempt to force 
>> at least one selected ToggleButton in the group.
>> That is, if a ToggleButton is selected, clicking on it will cause it to 
>> become unselected.
>> With RadioButton, clicking on the selected button in the group will have no 
>> effect.
> Checkboxes tend to allow multiple selection ("select all items that apply to 
> you"), which means they don't need to toggle each other, they are 
> independent. They also have indeterminate states, which I don't know how to 
> address regarding ToggleGroup selection policies.
> On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 6:33 PM Michael Strauß <> 
> wrote:
>> My expectation with radio groups is that they may start out initially
>> unselected, but once a selection has been made, no user interaction
>> can unselect all toggles again.
>> I don't see any compelling reason to change that. If the group needs
>> to be reset to its initial state, that's as easy as calling
>> `toggleGroup.selectToggle(null)`.
>> However, what you're describing sounds to me like a group of
>> checkboxes. I've seen this type of grouping many times in various
>> applications, and checkboxes are generally understood to be
>> deselectable.
>> So my question is: why don't we instead have CheckBox implement
>> Toggle, allowing it to be used with ToggleGroup? That would make it
>> possible to create a deselectable group of toggles.
>> On Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 8:31 PM Andy Goryachev
>> <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Dear colleagues:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > In the context of a recent PR
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > where a number of RadioMenuItems belonging to a toggle group are added to 
>> > the menu, we might want to add a new property to the ToggleGroup which 
>> > controls whether all items in a group can be deselected.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > If this property is set, a selected radio menu item can be deselected via 
>> > either keyboard accelerator or a mouse click.  If not, then not only this 
>> > operation cannot be performed, but also the first item added to said 
>> > ToggleGroup gets automatically selected.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > This should allow for more flexibility in creating menus with 
>> > RadioMenuItems, but eliminate some boilerplate code required in such cases.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > The new logic would also affect any Toggle, such as ToggleButton.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > What do you think?  Thank you.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > -andy

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