On Fri, 10 Feb 2023 13:49:43 GMT, Karthik P K <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> I checked with HTML textfield and swing JTextField. In both the cases, the 
> text gets aligned to the left (beginning of the text is shown) regardless of 
> alignment type when text length is more than text field length. In html 
> textfield, even prompt text has same behavior but in JavaFX prompt text gets 
> aligned to the center (center of the text is displayed) or right (beginning 
> of the text is hidden) as specified even when the prompt text length is more 
> than textfield length.

Thanks for checking this, so it's possible the behavior was modelled after this 
common behavior of other toolkits (or just good sense in general).

> The case where prompt text length is more than text field length might not be 
> frequent but I think we should have same behavior for both. So I think we 
> should fix either the behavior of the text or the prompt text so that both 
> are consistent.

Yes, agreed on that.  I would personally lean towards fixing the prompt text 
then, but before we keep going back and forth it might be good to see what 
@kevinrushforth and others think of this.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/980

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