On Thu, 20 Jul 2023 15:36:28 GMT, Hima Bindu Meda <hm...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Updated JavaFX Webkit to GTK WebKit 2.40 (616.1).
> Verified the updated version build, sanity tests and stability. No issues 
> have been observed.

I have two questions. Because of the large number of files, I can't use the 
"diffs" view to add inline comments, so I will add them as general comments.

--- a/modules/javafx.web/src/main/native/Source/WebCore/dom/Element.cpp
+++ b/modules/javafx.web/src/main/native/Source/WebCore/dom/Element.cpp
@@ -2295,8 +2295,11 @@ URL Element::absoluteLinkURL() const

     if (linkAttribute.isEmpty())
         return URL();
+    return document().completeURL(linkAttribute);


Why did we need to make this change? Will there be any problems as a result of 
our not stripping leading and trailing spaces?

@@ -389,6 +389,132 @@ void 
FullscreenManager::exitFullscreen(RefPtr<DeferredPromise>&& promise)

+void FullscreenManager::exitFullscreen()
+void FullscreenManager::pushFullscreenElementStack(Element& element)
+    m_fullscreenElementStack.append(&element);

Is this new code or was it moved / refactored from elsewhere? If new code, what 
is its purpose, and who is calling it?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1180#issuecomment-1645674592
PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1180#issuecomment-1645675103
PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1180#issuecomment-1645676091

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