On Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:44:31 GMT, Nir Lisker <nlis...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> I'm unconvinced that this is the way to solve the issue it describes in its 
> doc. The problem is that each control wants to add its own css metadata to 
> that of its parent (recursively), and that the list is immutable (or 
> unmodifiable).

This is not the problem.

> The solution offered is a helper method for the general problem of creating a 
> new immutable list from an existing one plus other elements (I agree with 
> John that it's another copy of this kind of method, which would probably mean 
> it's a good candidate for the JDK).

I would not go that far as to call it a candidate for JDK, the scope of this 
change is limited to CssMetaData and is sufficiently different from a general 
purpose entity.

> What each class brings with itself is a list of its own metadata properties. 
> That's all it should declare. This list should automatically be added to the 
> one of its parent, recursively, forming the final list. This part shouldn't 
> be done by users as it's just another place to make a mistake in.

True.  The only way to avoid mistake is to have this data generated by 
reflection or pre-processing.  Neither is a good alternative, so I am not 
solving this particular problem.  The problem I am trying to solve is to 
provide a slightly more efficient utility method to replace repeating the same 
code over and over.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1296#issuecomment-1832183789

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