I am wondering if anybody has benchmarked OpenLDAP as a generic network
object storage service. I know Networked Key Value Databases are getting
more popular because they seem to scale laterally better.

Most of the so called NoSQL databases use some kind of JSON over HTTPS
network transport. I like the idea of using something LDAP based because
of the IETF standardized interface lowers the risk of sudden changes to
the interface forcing a program change, kind of like how Microsoft broke
Skype calls for Blog Talk Radio.

I know Howard Chu has been reporting a lot of awful but true things
about MongoDB over the last couple of years.

What I would really want to see is some numbers comparing OpenLDAP to
networked key value databases that are in production such as Reddit's
two table Postgres
<https://kev.inburke.com/kevin/reddits-database-has-two-tables/> or
Redis or even HBase from Hadoop.

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