John Lewis wrote:
I am wondering if anybody has benchmarked OpenLDAP as a generic network object
storage service. I know Networked Key Value Databases are getting more popular
because they seem to scale laterally better.

Probably nothing recent. Back in the CORBA days it was probably a frequent 

Most of the so called NoSQL databases use some kind of JSON over HTTPS network
transport. I like the idea of using something LDAP based because of the IETF
standardized interface lowers the risk of sudden changes to the interface
forcing a program change, kind of like how Microsoft broke Skype calls for
Blog Talk Radio.

LDAP isn't a Key/Value database; it could be used as one but there would be a lot of unnecessary overhead - much like using SQL as only a Key/Value database. The value in using LDAP comes from mapping an application's higher level data model onto LDAP entries. Not just individual keys and blob values.

I know Howard Chu has been reporting a lot of awful but true things about
MongoDB over the last couple of years.

What I would really want to see is some numbers comparing OpenLDAP to
networked key value databases that are in production such as Reddit's two
table Postgres
<> or Redis or
even HBase from Hadoop.

Could probably rig up a YCSB test without too much trouble. Frankly though I've got very low confidence in any java-based benchmark utility. Our experience with java-based SLAMD over the years has shown that it vastly underreports OpenLDAP's performance simply because SLAMD/java are not efficient enough to drive high enough loads at slapd.

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp. 
  Director, Highland Sun
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

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