--On Thursday, April 9, 2020 6:19 PM +0200 Michael Ströder <mich...@stroeder.com> wrote:
a) syncprov (and possibly accesslog), no serverID >1, and no syncrepl
statement, it is a standalone provider

should be: serverID > 0 <=> serverID >= 1

b) syncprov (and possibly accesslog), serverID > 1, and a syncrepl
statement, it is a multimaster node

should be: serverID > 0 <=> serverID >= 1

Correct, thanks. :)

Isn't mirrormode true not also needed for MMR?

Ah right, thanks. :)

I'm not really clear what you mean by "read only" in any of these cases.
If you want an LDAP server that accepts no writes at all, then you
shouldn't configure replication, as any writes that occur on the
provider will then occur on the consumer, and additionally set the
readonly configuration parameter to TRUE.

He probably wants to implement a 2-tier replication topology where
applications/systems access pure consumer replicas which do not accept
write operations from normal clients but only the modifications
retrieved via syncrepl from providers.
(At least that's how Æ-DIR is designed. ;-)

Yeah, that's my guess too, but their statements make that hard to determine. ;)



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP:

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