On Fri, May 12, 2023 at 1:20 PM Lemons, Terry <terry.lem...@dell.com> wrote:
> Hi Jeff
> Thanks for your reply.
> >In addition, you should add -servername, too. The option engages SNI.
> >
> >   openssl s_client -connect ldpdd042.hop.lab.emc.com:636 \
> >        -servername ldpdd042.hop.lab.emc.com
> >
> > Otherwise, you might get the default server at the host ldpdd042. I'm not 
> > sure how that would work in this instance. (I know how it works with web 
> > servers).
> I don't see any difference in the openssl output when I use the 'servername' 
> option:
> ldpdd042:~ # openssl s_client -connect ldpdd042.hop.lab.emc.com:636
> CONNECTED(00000003)
> write:errno=0
> ---
> no peer certificate available
> ---
> No client certificate CA names sent
> ---
> SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 334 bytes
> Verification: OK
> ---
> New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
> Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
> Compression: NONE
> Expansion: NONE
> No ALPN negotiated
> Early data was not sent
> Verify return code: 0 (ok)
> ---
> ldpdd042:~ # openssl s_client -connect ldpdd042.hop.lab.emc.com:636 
> -servername ldpdd042.hop.lab.emc.com
> CONNECTED(00000003)
> write:errno=0
> ---
> no peer certificate available
> ---
> No client certificate CA names sent
> ---
> SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 334 bytes
> Verification: OK
> ---
> New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
> Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
> Compression: NONE
> Expansion: NONE
> No ALPN negotiated
> Early data was not sent
> Verify return code: 0 (ok)
> ---
> ldpdd042:~ #
> > TLSCACertificateFile should probably be blank. It is probably the CA certs 
> > the server would use to authenticate a client when mutual authentication is 
> > used. I.e.e, client certificates.
> Okay. I commented out that parameter in /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf 
> and restarted the daemon, with no apparent change in behavior.
> > TLSCertificateFile should probably be the entire chain used in path 
> > building, and not just the server's certificate. Since this is using a 
> > self-signed end-entity certificate, it would include just the end-entity 
> > certificate. No CA certificates needed.
> Here is the certificate that I created for use with OpenLDAP; please let me 
> know of any deficiencies with it.
> ldpdd042:~ # openssl x509 -in /etc/ssl/private/server.cert -noout -text
> Certificate:
>     Data:
>         Version: 3 (0x2)
>         Serial Number:
>             29:c5:df:63:73:c6:ae:91:95:0c:4d:7a:7e:8c:b2:25:50:43:93:15
>         Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
>         Issuer: C = US, ST = MA, L = Hopkinton, O = Dell Technologies, OU = 
> DPC Engineering, CN = ldpdd042.hop.lab.emc.com
>         Validity
>             Not Before: May 10 16:10:25 2023 GMT
>             Not After : Jun  9 16:10:25 2023 GMT
>         Subject: C = US, ST = MA, L = Hopkinton, O = Dell Technologies, OU = 
> DPC Engineering, CN = ldpdd042.hop.lab.emc.com
>         Subject Public Key Info:
>             Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
>                 RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit)
>                 Modulus:
>                     00:cc:fd:1d:97:da:63:20:a4:04:e0:30:de:b2:1f:
>                     85:df:3f:ff:c9:a1:e9:02:53:cd:2e:cf:14:f3:45:
>                     20:49:9c:29:e3:1c:6b:7e:9a:a8:45:42:bb:53:e9:
>                     b2:20:c4:c7:80:05:cb:ae:ad:1f:de:2a:0e:8a:0a:
>                     ab:ff:d6:3b:a0:22:56:ef:4a:c4:f5:4f:54:82:90:
>                     44:38:c6:2c:ac:9d:95:b8:07:f2:7f:76:74:01:47:
>                     56:c5:7e:45:f9:f8:94:25:24:20:b6:56:36:a4:27:
>                     20:99:51:64:12:1b:0a:ba:c3:90:bc:59:58:ad:42:
>                     04:72:76:80:b4:8e:aa:29:1d:59:6b:04:c5:64:15:
>                     d9:3a:7d:dd:b5:b7:f4:ed:a7:da:18:f1:82:65:12:
>                     7f:36:32:78:d1:bf:cf:06:12:41:8f:bc:d1:f5:bf:
>                     7d:5d:d8:7b:dd:27:90:34:80:fa:44:44:a9:21:bc:
>                     d1:d4:03:d8:ac:03:d4:5b:89:25:f9:f7:da:b5:7e:
>                     b1:9e:c9:46:1b:91:e0:78:43:0f:3b:05:64:32:b7:
>                     a2:d5:c1:58:4b:ab:1b:a0:a6:77:40:32:30:ef:dc:
>                     a2:04:f6:4a:35:57:9b:be:0a:46:32:a5:bc:e1:04:
>                     99:c7:4c:2c:d3:61:f8:f2:3f:7d:5d:4c:76:1a:bb:
>                     ba:af
>                 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
>         X509v3 extensions:
>             X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
>                 4B:36:FE:7A:3C:A2:24:A1:35:18:A0:FA:BE:75:DA:03:6C:CC:DF:F8
>             X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
> keyid:4B:36:FE:7A:3C:A2:24:A1:35:18:A0:FA:BE:75:DA:03:6C:CC:DF:F8
>             X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
>                 CA:TRUE
>     Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
>          1c:ab:88:54:79:8e:86:54:49:35:b7:81:3b:35:84:7e:d3:4f:
>          4d:12:a1:86:73:38:e1:7f:b0:d5:6f:99:f3:c2:bb:f4:8a:60:
>          c5:75:67:10:b4:03:80:6e:bb:14:6f:3f:e6:d3:9b:a1:d4:d3:
>          36:82:45:14:8c:1e:e7:f1:88:91:6d:36:ea:6d:0a:07:ef:ba:
>          16:43:f9:0e:81:e7:77:bd:20:23:ad:45:54:6e:d4:09:e5:3e:
>          36:79:63:35:5f:63:57:e6:93:4a:19:5a:46:82:fd:43:aa:2d:
>          cf:1f:9a:fe:3d:5c:d8:60:cb:f6:76:fd:fd:22:92:21:4f:0b:
>          76:a2:44:36:a9:26:f5:01:a0:c9:83:3f:26:e1:8b:4f:65:93:
>          d6:c7:47:e9:af:c4:d6:37:21:e3:07:6b:20:ae:38:81:30:26:
>          41:68:fa:99:3a:c3:9c:df:43:4f:37:76:94:cb:88:ae:46:a8:
>          b4:1a:12:bf:01:77:ad:0d:be:20:6b:26:8e:f5:94:91:7f:28:
>          5c:3c:72:7a:b9:26:b9:69:d7:10:38:60:b7:ec:74:f5:b5:ed:
>          00:86:9a:5a:28:95:c2:51:d5:af:ef:74:a3:1f:d2:0d:4b:53:
>          bc:e5:b7:3d:63:40:ee:28:0c:ff:7d:bc:88:e4:ab:49:5a:b3:
>          82:a7:ea:0f
> ldpdd042:~ #

CA:TRUE is wrong:

            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical

This is an end-entity certificate, not a CA certificate.

In X.500, there are two types of certificates: (1) CA certificates,
and (2) End-Entity certificates. CA certificates can be used to issue
other certificates. End-Entity certificates are used to bind a public
key to an individual or other entity.

CA certificates have basic_constraint.ca = true. End-Entity
certificates have basic_constraint.ca = false. That's this line here
in an openssl configuration file

    basicConstraints        = critical,CA:FALSE

Key Usage and Extended Key Usage determines what an individual or
entity can do with the public key in their end-entity certificate.


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