Now I did a check with tcpdump. Starting tcpdump on both systems I see, that the tcp connection is established. But now packages send when doing a ldapsearch.

Am 04.12.23 um 11:52 schrieb Ondřej Kuzník:
On Mon, Dec 04, 2023 at 11:40:29AM +0100, Stefan Kania wrote:
Hi to all,

when I setup the loadbalancer lloadd via slapd.conf everything is working
fine. Here my slapd.conf

As soon as I change to cn=config with the following configuration:

The slapd is stating and with "ss -tlpn" I see port 1636 and 1389 as listen
(next to 636 and 389) I git the following errormessage when I try to contect
the ldap-server via the loadbalancer.

ldap_bind: Server is unavailable (52)
         additional info: no connections available


Did I miss sommthing? I also try to translate the working slapd.conf with
slaptest, but the result is the same.

Hi Stefan,
the configurations certainly look equivalent, but no connections to
provider1/2 are being established ("no connections available" to use),
can you see any errors in the logs that would show why that is?


Stefan Kania
Landweg 13
25693 St. Michaelisdonn

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