Hi Seth,

Thanks for clarifying further. I did notice the container for Karaf, and
also noticed the maven-bundle plugin being used,
which adds OSGI meta-info to the manifest. This is good stuff, so on the
way for OSGI.

So some further questions on this work.

1. Do you plan to make it 'native' OSGI bundles (not using the
maven-bundle-plugin, but editing of the MANIFEST.MF so the meta is

2. How does Karaf deal with the SpringFramework wireing? (Do you use the
classloading mechanism of karaf to deal with bundle dependencies, but how
is the application context kicked in?).

3. Do you consider an alternative to SpringFramework wireing? So perhaps
OSGI Declarative Services or ServiceTracker? (I don't see how the
springframework fits in the OSGI picture?).

On the DOA side, I am personnaly a big fan of EMF, which allows to do what
you do with Castor and Hibernate in one go. So
you would produce a meta-model from the existing .xsd's, generate the Java
classes (As Castor does), but then you would feed an ORM (TENEO for example
works nicely with Hibernate and EMF) with the metamodel (So called .ecore)
to deal with the Database.

As an example, I converted your Events schema to EMF, just to see if it
would be similar to what Castor generates.


There are many solutions in EMF land for dealing with this persistence in

Then you would wrap an OSGI DS service around it and all your modules can
access the DB . but this, if you would consider a major refactoring of DAO.
Perhaps it can exist as an alternative, but it has to be plugable, which it
isn't now (I notice a Singleton now for DB stuff).

In any case, I am available to help you out.(Minding it goes in the
direction I need, which is consumption of individual parts of OpenNMS,
exchangabiliy of modules, etc....).

 I hope you don't mind the clone and name space change, but its really to
try out stuff (PoC) and I noticed your namespaces clashes here and there.
(You have multiple packages named. org.opennms.core.utils.)

Cheers Christophe
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