
On Sep 18, 2014, at 9:35 PM, Benjamin Reed <ran...@opennms.org> wrote:

> After discussing it at OpenNMS HQ and with the OGP at our monthly
> meeting, we've decided to move our development/branch management to
> GitFlow.  If you are unfamiliar with GitFlow, you can read an overview here:
>  http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
> For the most part, things will not change, other than the "develop"
> branch will replace how most people treated the "master" branch before. 
> The "master" branch is no longer a place that anyone works in or commits
> to -- instead, the only things that will go in "master" from now on will
> be released/tagged versions of OpenNMS.
> * New development or non-critical bug fixes should happen in a feature
> branch made from "develop", which then gets merged back to the "develop"
> branch when complete.
> * Showstopper bugs should be merged to the "1.12" branch, which we will
> merge to the correct upstream branch(es) as necessary.
> * Blocker bugs for the 1.14.0 release should be merged to the
> "rc/stable/1.14.0" branch, which we will merge to the "develop" branch
> as necessary.
> I've written up a detailed document describing which branches do what,
> how they'll work, and where rpm/deb builds end up for different
> versions, here:
> https://github.com/OpenNMS/opennms/blob/rc/stable/1.14.0/README-branches.md
> If you have any questions at all, please let me know, and I'll update
> that document accordingly.
> -- 
> Benjamin Reed
> The OpenNMS Group
> http://www.opennms.org/
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