hi Azhaguvel, thanks for the response

I have installed opennms on a WInXP machine,
I tried the command you said, but nothing works, apparently I need to do
something, like setting up OSGi container on my system, and then run the
commands, if you can tell me more about it I'll be thankfull.


On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Azhaguvel A <azhag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Hossein Arbaboon,
> Please find the following steps to install your jar into OSGI contianer,
> Login OSGI container
> >ssh -p admin@<ip-address>   // IP address for where your opennms server
> is running
> > enter password admin
> > osgi:list // You can see the OSGI installed jar list (You can get
> service name and it's id for your jar)
> >osgi:uninstall <service-id> // Uninstall the your service if it's already
> installed in OSGI container.
> >osgi:install -s file:<jar-path> // Give the loca jar path like (Ex:
> install -s file:/home/opennms/sample.jar)
> Note: No need to restart the opennms because every jar in OSGI is running
> as service. So you can do any operation without restart it.
> I hope, It will help you :)
> Thanks,
> Azhaguvel A
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 9:32 PM, Hossein Arbaboon <
> hossein.arbab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Seth, thanks for the response.
>> I've tried what you said, but sadly nothing happened :(
>> I made my changes, built the artifact with maven, witch created the jar
>> file (netutils-1.12.9.jar), copied the jar file to the system folder in
>> jetty, copied it to the lib directory in jetty, restarted opennms, but
>> nothing happened.
>> should I do something else? or may be I have to switch from jetty to some
>> thing else?
>> Thanks again
>> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Seth Leger <s...@opennms.org> wrote:
>>>  Hi Hossein,
>>> The topology map UI is implemented by making all of the individual JARs
>>> into OSGi bundles. If you're not familiar with OSGi, it is a "container"
>>> server that can run JARs as modules that talk to each other via
>>> well-defined service interfaces. We
>>> The container server that we use is Apache Karaf. To get your JARs into
>>> Karaf, you need to put them into the /opt/opennms/system directories in
>>> addition to replacing the JARs (if they exist) in /opt/opennms/lib. You
>>> will then need to restart OpenNMS to get the changes.
>>> Good luck with your changes!
>>> Seth Leger
>>> The OpenNMS Group
>>> On 9/20/14, 11:49 AM, Hossein Arbaboon wrote:
>>>  Hi every body, I need to do some changes in the topology map ui like
>>> changing some of the labels, but the problem is I cant see my changes in
>>> the application. I applyed some changes to the PingWindow class, built the
>>> org.opennms.features.topology.plugins.netutils and copied the
>>> netutils-1.12.9.jar on the original file, restarted jetty, but nothing
>>> happens!
>>>  I have no experience with vaadin, and I hope I done have to read the
>>> whole book of vaadin to find the answer
>>>  Thanks
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