I thought I'd give fixing NMS-3615 a go since it's handy to have and
has been broken for a while now. I'm new to GWT so my approach might
be less than optimal, but regardless I'm having a heck of a time
actually getting what I think I've done to even begin to work (or not
work). Let me explain:

NMS-3615 basically chronicles the broken then fixed then broken again
feature of letting you graph data points in resources that don't have
predefined graphs written for them. When the ExtJS implementation of
selecting resources was rewritten in GWT it broke. You can make it
work by replacing results.htm with adhoc2.jsp in the URL after you
pick a resource.

So clearly it's just a page sequence issue, can't be that hard, right?
First step seemed to be getting the endUrl parameter passing
graph/adhoc2.jsp when you click on a resource to start the process, so
I did:
After ../../compile.pl install in features/gwt-graph-resource-list and
../compile.pl in opennms-webapp followed by assemble.pl, this actually
does what I expect! Now when I pick a node from the Custom Resource
Performance Reports box the URL on the next page includes

Next thing is to make this rendered page care about the endUrl
parameter being there. If I understand correctly, this page is
rendered from ChooseResourceController which ultimately feeds
opennms-webapp/src/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/graph/chooseresource.jsp, which
from what I understand uses the same GWT entry point that I changed to
make the first part work since it contains these elements:

<opennms:reportSelectionList id="choose-resource"
<!-- for IE --><div name="opennms-reportSelectionList"
id="choose-resource-ie" dataObject="data"></div>

So I added some code to the reportSelectionList handling bits to check
for the endUrl parameter in Window.Location. That didn't work, so I
started adding Window.alert calls in various places, which also don't
work, and then I did all sorts of other things to try to get
*something* to happen. No luck. Am I in the wrong spot, or is there
something else I need to do to get my changes to deploy properly? Or
am I just not able to make client calls like
Window.Location.getParameter and Window.alert where I'm doing them?

I guess I could go to a different location entirely and use a similar
approach as I did in the first part - making an entirely separate

Any other ideas?

David Schlenk

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