On 03/06/2015 10:49 AM, George Tetterton wrote:
> I posted this to the opennms-discuss and had no responses, someone
> suggested that I post to this mailing list so here it is.
> We need to support authentication with SAML based security. Has anyone
> successfully integrated OpenNMS with SAML
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_Assertion_Markup_Language> based
> security. I have found that Spring Security has a SAML package
> <http://projects.spring.io/spring-security-saml/> but my Java Web
> experience is quite weak and I do not know how to integrate it into the
> existing security. Currently we are using a combination of login page
> and LDAP. I did a search for SAML on the mailing list and it did not
> return anything.
> I am hoping someone here can help.

If Spring supports it, you should be able to configure it in the OpenNMS


You will probably need to copy the extension jar file into the OpenNMS
lib directory.

I don't think it is impossible but it probably won't be easy, either.

Sorry I didn't have anything more upbeat to add.


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