Great, glad it helped.
From: <>
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 11:37:57 AM
To: Tommy Murphy <>
Cc: openocd-devel <>
Subject: Re: Launch OpenOCD from GDB in one console

Hi @Tommy Murphy,

Thanks a lot. I've read the sections you suggested, and got it working!
All that needed to be done is modifying the first line in the .gdbinit file:

    target extended-remote | openocd -f 
../config/flash_config/openocd_probe.cfg -f 
../config/flash_config/openocd_chip.cfg -s "C:/path/to/scripts" -c "gdb_port 
pipe; log_output openocd.log"
    monitor reset halt
    monitor flash erase_address 0x8000000 0x00200000
    monitor reset halt
    file foobar.elf
    monitor reset run
    monitor shutdown

Then I launch GDB in the usual way:

    $arm-none-eabi-gdb -x ../config/flash_config/.gdbinit

Huray, it works! Thanks ^_^

Kind regards,
Kristof Mulier

Van: "Tommy Murphy" <>
Aan: "openocd-devel" <>, "kristof mulier" 
Verzonden: Maandag 27 juli 2020 11:53:24
Onderwerp: Re: Launch OpenOCD from GDB in one console

Have you reviewed section 7.3 of the openocd users guide about using the pipe 
option and section 21.1 about using gdb in this context?
From: <>
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 10:29:10 AM
To: openocd-devel <>
Subject: [OpenOCD-devel] Launch OpenOCD from GDB in one console

Dear developers,

As you might know, I'm working in a startup building a new (free!)
IDE for microcontrollers: Embeetle IDE. To flash code we generally
use a combination of OpenOCD and GDB. Both are launched as targets
from the makefile in two separate consoles. I was wondering if it's
possible to flash from just one makefile target (in one console).

Let me first explain the way we do it now. The makefile target
openocd looks like this:
    .PHONY: openocd
    openocd: $(OUTPUT_FILENAME).elf
        $(OCD) $(OCDFLAGS)

with the following flags:
    OCDFLAGS_DASHBOARD = -f ../config/flash_config/openocd_probe.cfg \
                         -f ../config/flash_config/openocd_chip.cfg \
                         -s "$(dir OCD)../scripts" \
                         -c "init; reset halt" \

Target gdb looks like this:
    .PHONY: gdb
    gdb: $(OUTPUT_FILENAME).elf
        $(GDB) $(GDBFLAGS)

With the following flags:
    GDBFLAGS_DASHBOARD = -x ../config/flash_config/.gdbinit \

So if the user clicks the flash button, we first launch target openocd
and then target gdb shortly after. GDB then runs its commands from
.gdbinit, which actually instructs GDB to connect to OpenOCD and
initiate the flash:

    # .gdbinit file
    target remote localhost:3333
    monitor reset halt
    monitor flash erase_address 0x8000000 0x00200000
    monitor reset halt
    file foobar.elf
    monitor reset run
    monitor shutdown

Now is there a way to do all this from just one makefile target, and
therefore also from one console? I heard about the possibility to
launch OpenOCD from a GDB session, like:

(gdb) target remote | openocd ...

I tried it, but the console gets locked and no longer accepts gdb
commands to be executed.

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