Apparently a duplicate of
The fix is committed upstream on 2021-06-27, with v0.11.0-236-gcff0e417d
You are using v0.11.0. Have you checked the current master branch or a version 
after the merge above?


** [tickets:#336] Segmentation Fault with Nucelo-F429ZI**

**Status:** new
**Milestone:** 0.11.0
**Created:** Mon Feb 07, 2022 01:45 PM UTC by Oliver Walczak
**Last Updated:** Mon Feb 07, 2022 01:45 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Issue confirmed on 2 environments:
1) DELL Lattitude 5591 / Win 10 Enterprise 21H2 Build 19044.1466 / MingW64 
openocd 11.0
2) MacBook Pro M1 Max / Monterey 12.1 / homebrew openocd 11.0

Log from 1):
openocd -f board/st_nucleo_f4.cfg -d3
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0
Licensed under GNU GPL v2   
For bug reports, read
User : 13 3 options.c:63 configuration_output_handler(): debug_level: 3
User : 14 7 options.c:63 configuration_output_handler():
Debug: 15 11 options.c:244 add_default_dirs(): 
Debug: 16 17 options.c:245 add_default_dirs(): 
Debug: 17 24 options.c:246 add_default_dirs(): 
Debug: 18 32 options.c:247 add_default_dirs(): bin2data=../share/openocd
Debug: 19 37 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding 
Debug: 20 45 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding 
Debug: 21 53 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding 
Debug: 22 61 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding 
Debug: 23 70 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding 
Debug: 24 81 configuration.c:97 find_file(): found 
Debug: 25 92 configuration.c:97 find_file(): found 
Debug: 26 102 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - adapter driver hla
Debug: 28 107 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - hla_layout stlink
Debug: 30 112 hla_interface.c:242 hl_interface_handle_layout_command(): 
Debug: 31 119 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - hla_device_desc ST-LINK
Debug: 33 124 hla_interface.c:216 hl_interface_handle_device_desc_command(): 
Debug: 34 133 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - hla_vid_pid 0x0483 0x3744 
0x0483 0x3748 0x0483 0x374b 0x0483 0x374d 0x0483 0x374e 0x0483 0x374f 0x0483 
0x3752 0x0483 0x3753
Debug: 36 144 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select hla_swd
Debug: 37 149 hla_transport.c:205 hl_swd_transport_select(): 
Debug: 38 156 configuration.c:97 find_file(): found 
Debug: 39 166 configuration.c:97 find_file(): found 
Debug: 40 174 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 41 183 configuration.c:97 find_file(): found 
Debug: 42 192 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_usage_text mrw address
Debug: 44 198 command.c:1115 help_add_command(): added 'mrw' help text
Debug: 45 203 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_help_text mrw Returns 
value of word in memory.
Debug: 47 209 command.c:1128 help_add_command(): added 'mrw' help text
Debug: 48 215 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_usage_text mrh address
Debug: 50 221 command.c:1115 help_add_command(): added 'mrh' help text
Debug: 51 225 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_help_text mrh Returns 
value of halfword in memory.
Debug: 53 232 command.c:1128 help_add_command(): added 'mrh' help text
Debug: 54 237 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_usage_text mrb address
Debug: 56 242 command.c:1115 help_add_command(): added 'mrb' help text
Debug: 57 247 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_help_text mrb Returns 
value of byte in memory.
Debug: 59 254 command.c:1128 help_add_command(): added 'mrb' help text
Debug: 60 259 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_usage_text mmw 
address setbits clearbits
Debug: 62 266 command.c:1115 help_add_command(): added 'mmw' help text
Debug: 63 271 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_help_text mmw Modify 
word in memory. new_val = (old_val & ~clearbits) | setbits;
Debug: 65 280 command.c:1128 help_add_command(): added 'mmw' help text
Debug: 66 285 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 67 289 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 68 293 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 69 300 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - swd newdap stm32f4x cpu 
-irlen 4 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0xf -expected-id 0x2ba01477
Debug: 70 310 hla_tcl.c:110 jim_hl_newtap_cmd(): Creating New Tap, Chip: 
stm32f4x, Tap: cpu, Dotted: stm32f4x.cpu, 8 params
Debug: 71 318 hla_tcl.c:121 jim_hl_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -irlen
Debug: 72 322 hla_tcl.c:121 jim_hl_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -ircapture
Debug: 73 327 hla_tcl.c:121 jim_hl_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -irmask
Debug: 74 332 hla_tcl.c:121 jim_hl_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -expected-id
Debug: 75 338 core.c:1484 jtag_tap_init(): Created Tap: stm32f4x.cpu @ abs 
position 0, irlen 0, capture: 0x0 mask: 0x0
Debug: 76 346 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - dap create stm32f4x.dap 
-chain-position stm32f4x.cpu
Debug: 77 352 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 78 357 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - target create 
stm32f4x.cpu cortex_m -endian little -dap stm32f4x.dap
Info : 79 367 target.c:5668 target_create(): The selected transport took over 
low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
Debug: 80 379 hla_target.c:203 adapter_target_create(): adapter_target_create
Debug: 81 384 hla_target.c:173 adapter_init_arch_info(): adapter_init_arch_info
Debug: 82 389 command.c:375 register_command(): command 'rtt' is already 
registered in '<global>' context
Debug: 83 397 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-work-area-phys 0x20000000 -work-area-size 0x8000 -work-area-backup 0
Debug: 84 406 target.c:2172 target_free_all_working_areas_restore(): freeing 
all working areas
Debug: 85 413 target.c:2172 target_free_all_working_areas_restore(): freeing 
all working areas
Debug: 86 419 target.c:2172 target_free_all_working_areas_restore(): freeing 
all working areas
Debug: 87 426 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - flash bank stm32f4x.flash 
stm32f2x 0 0 0 0 stm32f4x.cpu
Debug: 89 434 tcl.c:1319 handle_flash_bank_command(): 'stm32f2x' driver usage 
field missing
Debug: 90 440 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - flash bank stm32f4x.otp 
stm32f2x 0x1fff7800 0 0 0 stm32f4x.cpu
Debug: 92 448 command.c:375 register_command(): command 'stm32f2x' is already 
registered in '<global>' context
Debug: 93 456 command.c:375 register_command(): command 'lock' is already 
registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 94 464 command.c:375 register_command(): command 'unlock' is already 
registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 95 471 command.c:375 register_command(): command 'mass_erase' is already 
registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 96 479 command.c:375 register_command(): command 'options_read' is 
already registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 97 487 command.c:375 register_command(): command 'options_write' is 
already registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 98 495 command.c:375 register_command(): command 'optcr2_write' is 
already registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 99 504 command.c:375 register_command(): command 'otp' is already 
registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 100 513 tcl.c:1319 handle_flash_bank_command(): 'stm32f2x' driver usage 
field missing
Debug: 101 520 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - adapter speed 2000
Debug: 104 530 core.c:1822 jtag_config_khz(): handle jtag khz
Debug: 105 539 core.c:1785 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface 
specific speed value
Debug: 106 552 core.c:1785 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface 
specific speed value
Debug: 107 562 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - adapter srst delay 100
Debug: 109 568 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 110 574 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - reset_config srst_nogate
Debug: 112 582 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 113 590 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event examine-end 
        # Enable debug during low power modes (uses more power)
        mmw 0xE0042004 0x00000007 0

        # Stop watchdog counters during halt
        mmw 0xE0042008 0x00001800 0

Debug: 114 622 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event trace-config 
        # Set TRACE_IOEN; TRACE_MODE is set to async; when using sync
        # change this value accordingly to configure trace pins
        # assignment
        mmw 0xE0042004 0x00000020 0

Debug: 115 646 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event reset-init
        # Configure PLL to boost clock to HSI x 4 (64 MHz)
        mww 0x40023804 0x08012008   ;# RCC_PLLCFGR 16 Mhz /8 (M) * 128 (N) /4(P)
        mww 0x40023C00 0x00000102   ;# FLASH_ACR = PRFTBE | 2(Latency)
        mmw 0x40023800 0x01000000 0 ;# RCC_CR |= PLLON
        sleep 10                    ;# Wait for PLL to lock
        mmw 0x40023808 0x00001000 0 ;# RCC_CFGR |= RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2
        mmw 0x40023808 0x00000002 0 ;# RCC_CFGR |= RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL

        # Boost JTAG frequency
        adapter speed 8000

Debug: 116 692 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event reset-start
        # Reduce speed since CPU speed will slow down to 16MHz with the reset
        adapter speed 2000

Debug: 117 709 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - reset_config srst_only
User : 119 717 options.c:63 configuration_output_handler(): srst_only separate 
srst_nogate srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst
User : 120 727 options.c:63 configuration_output_handler():
Info : 121 734 server.c:311 add_service(): Listening on port 6666 for tcl 
Info : 122 741 server.c:311 add_service(): Listening on port 4444 for telnet 
Debug: 123 749 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - init
Debug: 125 754 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - target init
Debug: 127 760 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - target names
Debug: 128 766 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu cget -event 
Debug: 129 774 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event gdb-flash-erase-start reset init
Debug: 130 784 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu cget -event 
Debug: 131 792 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event gdb-flash-write-end reset halt
Debug: 132 803 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu cget -event 
Debug: 133 811 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event gdb-attach halt 1000
Debug: 134 820 target.c:1639 handle_target_init_command(): Initializing 
Debug: 135 827 hla_target.c:193 adapter_init_target(): adapter_init_target
Debug: 136 833 semihosting_common.c:99 semihosting_common_init():
Debug: 137 838 hla_interface.c:109 hl_interface_init(): hl_interface_init
Debug: 138 844 hla_layout.c:95 hl_layout_init(): hl_layout_init
Debug: 139 849 core.c:1785 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface 
specific speed value
Debug: 140 856 core.c:1789 adapter_khz_to_speed(): have interface set up
Debug: 141 863 core.c:1785 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface 
specific speed value
Debug: 142 870 core.c:1789 adapter_khz_to_speed(): have interface set up
Info : 143 875 core.c:1565 adapter_init(): clock speed 2000 kHz
Debug: 144 882 openocd.c:143 handle_init_command(): Debug Adapter init complete
Debug: 145 888 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport init
Debug: 147 895 transport.c:229 handle_transport_init(): handle_transport_init
Debug: 148 902 hla_transport.c:156 hl_transport_init(): hl_transport_init
Debug: 149 907 hla_transport.c:173 hl_transport_init(): current transport 
Debug: 150 914 hla_interface.c:42 hl_interface_open(): hl_interface_open
Debug: 151 919 hla_layout.c:40 hl_layout_open(): hl_layout_open
Debug: 152 928 stlink_usb.c:2819 stlink_usb_open(): stlink_usb_open
Debug: 153 934 stlink_usb.c:2831 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 
pid: 0x3744 serial: 
Debug: 154 942 stlink_usb.c:2831 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 
pid: 0x3748 serial:
Debug: 155 951 stlink_usb.c:2831 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 
pid: 0x374b serial: 
Debug: 156 958 stlink_usb.c:2831 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 
pid: 0x374d serial:
Debug: 157 967 stlink_usb.c:2831 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 
pid: 0x374e serial: 
Debug: 158 975 stlink_usb.c:2831 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 
pid: 0x374f serial: 
Debug: 159 983 stlink_usb.c:2831 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 
pid: 0x3752 serial:
Debug: 160 990 stlink_usb.c:2831 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 
pid: 0x3753 serial:
Segmentation fault

Log from 2):
openocd -f board/st_nucleo_f4.cfg -d3
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
User : 13 1 options.c:63 configuration_output_handler(): debug_level: 3
User : 14 1 options.c:63 configuration_output_handler(): 
Debug: 15 1 options.c:244 add_default_dirs(): 
Debug: 16 1 options.c:245 add_default_dirs(): 
Debug: 17 1 options.c:246 add_default_dirs(): 
Debug: 18 1 options.c:247 add_default_dirs(): bin2data=../share/openocd
Debug: 19 1 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding 
Debug: 20 1 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding 
Debug: 21 1 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding 
Debug: 22 1 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding 
Debug: 23 1 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding 
Debug: 24 1 configuration.c:97 find_file(): found 
Debug: 25 1 configuration.c:97 find_file(): found 
Debug: 26 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - adapter driver hla
Debug: 28 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - hla_layout stlink
Debug: 30 1 hla_interface.c:242 hl_interface_handle_layout_command(): 
Debug: 31 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - hla_device_desc ST-LINK
Debug: 33 1 hla_interface.c:216 hl_interface_handle_device_desc_command(): 
Debug: 34 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - hla_vid_pid 0x0483 0x3744 
0x0483 0x3748 0x0483 0x374b 0x0483 0x374d 0x0483 0x374e 0x0483 0x374f 0x0483 
0x3752 0x0483 0x3753
Debug: 36 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select hla_swd
Debug: 37 1 hla_transport.c:205 hl_swd_transport_select(): 
Debug: 38 1 configuration.c:97 find_file(): found 
Debug: 39 1 configuration.c:97 find_file(): found 
Debug: 40 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 41 1 configuration.c:97 find_file(): found 
Debug: 42 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_usage_text mrw address
Debug: 44 1 command.c:1115 help_add_command(): added 'mrw' help text
Debug: 45 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_help_text mrw Returns 
value of word in memory.
Debug: 47 1 command.c:1128 help_add_command(): added 'mrw' help text
Debug: 48 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_usage_text mrh address
Debug: 50 1 command.c:1115 help_add_command(): added 'mrh' help text
Debug: 51 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_help_text mrh Returns 
value of halfword in memory.
Debug: 53 1 command.c:1128 help_add_command(): added 'mrh' help text
Debug: 54 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_usage_text mrb address
Debug: 56 1 command.c:1115 help_add_command(): added 'mrb' help text
Debug: 57 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_help_text mrb Returns 
value of byte in memory.
Debug: 59 1 command.c:1128 help_add_command(): added 'mrb' help text
Debug: 60 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_usage_text mmw address 
setbits clearbits
Debug: 62 1 command.c:1115 help_add_command(): added 'mmw' help text
Debug: 63 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - add_help_text mmw Modify 
word in memory. new_val = (old_val & ~clearbits) | setbits;
Debug: 65 1 command.c:1128 help_add_command(): added 'mmw' help text
Debug: 66 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 67 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 68 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 69 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - swd newdap stm32f4x cpu 
-irlen 4 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0xf -expected-id 0x2ba01477
Debug: 70 1 hla_tcl.c:111 jim_hl_newtap_cmd(): Creating New Tap, Chip: 
stm32f4x, Tap: cpu, Dotted: stm32f4x.cpu, 8 params
Debug: 71 1 hla_tcl.c:121 jim_hl_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -irlen
Debug: 72 1 hla_tcl.c:121 jim_hl_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -ircapture
Debug: 73 1 hla_tcl.c:121 jim_hl_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -irmask
Debug: 74 1 hla_tcl.c:121 jim_hl_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -expected-id
Debug: 75 1 core.c:1488 jtag_tap_init(): Created Tap: stm32f4x.cpu @ abs 
position 0, irlen 0, capture: 0x0 mask: 0x0
Debug: 76 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - dap create stm32f4x.dap 
-chain-position stm32f4x.cpu
Debug: 77 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 78 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - target create stm32f4x.cpu 
cortex_m -endian little -dap stm32f4x.dap
Info : 79 1 target.c:5668 target_create(): The selected transport took over 
low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
Debug: 80 1 hla_target.c:203 adapter_target_create(): adapter_target_create
Debug: 81 1 hla_target.c:173 adapter_init_arch_info(): adapter_init_arch_info
Debug: 82 1 command.c:376 register_command(): command 'rtt' is already 
registered in '<global>' context
Debug: 83 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-work-area-phys 0x20000000 -work-area-size 0x8000 -work-area-backup 0
Debug: 84 1 target.c:2172 target_free_all_working_areas_restore(): freeing all 
working areas
Debug: 85 1 target.c:2172 target_free_all_working_areas_restore(): freeing all 
working areas
Debug: 86 1 target.c:2172 target_free_all_working_areas_restore(): freeing all 
working areas
Debug: 87 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - flash bank stm32f4x.flash 
stm32f2x 0 0 0 0 stm32f4x.cpu
Debug: 89 1 tcl.c:1319 handle_flash_bank_command(): 'stm32f2x' driver usage 
field missing
Debug: 90 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - flash bank stm32f4x.otp 
stm32f2x 0x1fff7800 0 0 0 stm32f4x.cpu
Debug: 92 1 command.c:376 register_command(): command 'stm32f2x' is already 
registered in '<global>' context
Debug: 93 1 command.c:376 register_command(): command 'lock' is already 
registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 94 1 command.c:376 register_command(): command 'unlock' is already 
registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 95 1 command.c:376 register_command(): command 'mass_erase' is already 
registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 96 1 command.c:376 register_command(): command 'options_read' is already 
registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 97 1 command.c:376 register_command(): command 'options_write' is 
already registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 98 1 command.c:376 register_command(): command 'optcr2_write' is already 
registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 99 1 command.c:376 register_command(): command 'otp' is already 
registered in 'stm32f2x' context
Debug: 100 1 tcl.c:1319 handle_flash_bank_command(): 'stm32f2x' driver usage 
field missing
Debug: 101 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - adapter speed 2000
Debug: 103 1 core.c:1822 jtag_config_khz(): handle jtag khz
Debug: 104 1 core.c:1785 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface 
specific speed value
Debug: 105 1 core.c:1785 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface 
specific speed value
Debug: 106 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - adapter srst delay 100
Debug: 108 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 109 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - reset_config srst_nogate
Debug: 111 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select
Debug: 112 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event examine-end 
        # Enable debug during low power modes (uses more power)
        mmw 0xE0042004 0x00000007 0

        # Stop watchdog counters during halt
        mmw 0xE0042008 0x00001800 0

Debug: 113 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event trace-config 
        # Set TRACE_IOEN; TRACE_MODE is set to async; when using sync
        # change this value accordingly to configure trace pins
        # assignment
        mmw 0xE0042004 0x00000020 0

Debug: 114 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event reset-init 
        # Configure PLL to boost clock to HSI x 4 (64 MHz)
        mww 0x40023804 0x08012008   ;# RCC_PLLCFGR 16 Mhz /8 (M) * 128 (N) /4(P)
        mww 0x40023C00 0x00000102   ;# FLASH_ACR = PRFTBE | 2(Latency)
        mmw 0x40023800 0x01000000 0 ;# RCC_CR |= PLLON
        sleep 10                    ;# Wait for PLL to lock
        mmw 0x40023808 0x00001000 0 ;# RCC_CFGR |= RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV2
        mmw 0x40023808 0x00000002 0 ;# RCC_CFGR |= RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL

        # Boost JTAG frequency
        adapter speed 8000

Debug: 115 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event reset-start 
        # Reduce speed since CPU speed will slow down to 16MHz with the reset
        adapter speed 2000

Debug: 116 1 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - reset_config srst_only
User : 118 1 options.c:63 configuration_output_handler(): srst_only separate 
srst_nogate srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst
User : 119 1 options.c:63 configuration_output_handler(): 
Info : 120 2 server.c:312 add_service(): Listening on port 6666 for tcl 
Info : 121 2 server.c:312 add_service(): Listening on port 4444 for telnet 
Debug: 122 2 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - init
Debug: 124 2 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - target init
Debug: 126 2 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - target names
Debug: 127 2 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu cget -event 
Debug: 128 2 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event gdb-flash-erase-start reset init
Debug: 129 2 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu cget -event 
Debug: 130 2 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event gdb-flash-write-end reset halt
Debug: 131 2 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu cget -event 
Debug: 132 2 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - stm32f4x.cpu configure 
-event gdb-attach halt 1000
Debug: 133 2 target.c:1639 handle_target_init_command(): Initializing targets...
Debug: 134 2 hla_target.c:193 adapter_init_target(): adapter_init_target
Debug: 135 2 semihosting_common.c:99 semihosting_common_init():  
Debug: 136 2 hla_interface.c:109 hl_interface_init(): hl_interface_init
Debug: 137 2 hla_layout.c:95 hl_layout_init(): hl_layout_init
Debug: 138 2 core.c:1785 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface 
specific speed value
Debug: 139 2 core.c:1789 adapter_khz_to_speed(): have interface set up
Debug: 140 2 core.c:1785 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface 
specific speed value
Debug: 141 2 core.c:1789 adapter_khz_to_speed(): have interface set up
Info : 142 2 core.c:1565 adapter_init(): clock speed 2000 kHz
Debug: 143 2 openocd.c:143 handle_init_command(): Debug Adapter init complete
Debug: 144 2 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport init
Debug: 146 2 transport.c:229 handle_transport_init(): handle_transport_init
Debug: 147 2 hla_transport.c:156 hl_transport_init(): hl_transport_init
Debug: 148 2 hla_transport.c:173 hl_transport_init(): current transport hla_swd
Debug: 149 2 hla_interface.c:42 hl_interface_open(): hl_interface_open
Debug: 150 2 hla_layout.c:40 hl_layout_open(): hl_layout_open
Debug: 151 2 stlink_usb.c:2819 stlink_usb_open(): stlink_usb_open
Debug: 152 2 stlink_usb.c:2833 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 pid: 
0x3744 serial: 
Debug: 153 2 stlink_usb.c:2833 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 pid: 
0x3748 serial: 
Debug: 154 2 stlink_usb.c:2833 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 pid: 
0x374b serial: 
Debug: 155 2 stlink_usb.c:2833 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 pid: 
0x374d serial: 
Debug: 156 2 stlink_usb.c:2833 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 pid: 
0x374e serial: 
Debug: 157 2 stlink_usb.c:2833 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 pid: 
0x374f serial: 
Debug: 158 2 stlink_usb.c:2833 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 pid: 
0x3752 serial: 
Debug: 159 2 stlink_usb.c:2833 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 4 vid: 0x0483 pid: 
0x3753 serial: 
zsh: segmentation fault  openocd -f board/st_nucleo_f4.cfg -d3


The only way that works for me is the manually downloaded windows package:
 C:\me\Software\stm32\OpenOCD\openocd-v0.11.0-i686-w64-mingw32> .\bin\openocd 
-f board/st_nucleo_f4.cfg
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0 (2021-03-07-12:52)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results 
might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
srst_only separate srst_nogate srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst

Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
Info : clock speed 2000 kHz
Info : STLINK V2J39M27 (API v2) VID:PID 0483:374B
Info : Target voltage: 3.255446
Info : stm32f4x.cpu: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
Info : starting gdb server for stm32f4x.cpu on 3333
Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections

This at least shows it is not a board issue.
 Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. The Mac would be my main 
developement machine, so I rather need a solution for this machine. Thank you!


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