RaspberryPi officially supports a Firmware in RAM configuration. They provide 
linker files for that. In such a case all QSPI XIP accesses would be broken 
always and forever. To be able to debug such a configuration the broken QSPI 
XIP access needs to be tolerated, right?

So my question becomes who requests the access to the Flash area?  In the test 
that generated the posted report.txt I had no gdb connected. If the "WAIT" 
response is generated by Core0 then also the picoprobe seems to be unable to 
fix the situation, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Whenusing OpenOCD to  flash a firmware to the existing and working flash this 
also fails for me if my bad firmware is already active in the RP2040. In this 
case OpenOCD needs to write to the Flash area. And my probably very broken 
firmware probably misconfigured the QSPI XIP peripheral. Can it be that OpenOCD 
just assumes that the QSPI XIP is configured correctly? Wouldn't it be better 
to make sure that the QSPI XIP is configured correctly before using it, or 
fixing the configuring once issues like this arise? Others might also 
intentionally, or by accident break the QSPI XIP configuration, right? Or is 
there something that I miss?


**[tickets:#416] RP2040 QSPI Flash reset (no more XIP) causes debug and Flash 
to fail.**

**Status:** new
**Milestone:** 0.10.0
**Created:** Sat Sep 23, 2023 04:08 PM UTC by JustAnother1
**Last Updated:** Sat Sep 23, 2023 07:56 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

 (34.1 kB; text/plain)

I use 

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0-g4f2ae61-dirty (2022-10-07-22:36) 

(xpack running in Linux Mint) used with picoprobe 1.0.3 debugging a firmware 
and ran into this error:

Error: 233 92 arm_adi_v5.c:548 mem_ap_read(): Failed to read memory and, 
additionally, failed to find out where

Let me explain:
I write a firmware that should use part of the QSPI flash as file storage. I 
therefore copied all the firmware from QSPI flash into RAM and run it there. I 
then do a Reset on the QSPI interface like this:

    // reset QSPI

    // power on QSPI
    PSM->FRCE_OFF =  PSM->FRCE_OFF & ~(uint32_t)(1 << PSM_FRCE_OFF_XIP_OFFSET);
    RESETS->RESET = RESETS->RESET &~(uint32_t)( (1 << 

and these lines cause the issue. With them removed debugging and flashing works 
again, but with them in neither debugging nor flashing works.

By holding down the boot button on the pico, and therefore forcing the chip 
into the hard wired raspberry pi boot loader, I can then flash a new firmware 

I therefore assume that the memory read fail is in the Flash area, as reading 
that area is not possible anymore with my change.

I have attached the log showing the error.


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