You know in the old days source code control systems (SCCS) would 
require a developer to "check out" a copy of the code, and while it was 
checked out, nobody else could modify the code.  This was before the 
merge routines were as smart as they are today.

There has been a LOT of traffic on this list lately and a lot of patches 
flying around.  If the "merge" capability of the current SCCS is not 
adequate, maybe we need a todo.txt file that comes with the tree, and in 
that text file we simply list files and who has them conceptually 
checked out.    This is simply a protocol that says: "I am working on 
this file or files, and please do not modify them until I relinquish the 
ticket to modify".

This is not hard, it is a single text file.   Elsewhere in that file we 
might put enhancement requests.

We do something like this for Kicad and it works pretty well.  This is 
over and above the tracker database that most mere users 
(non-developers) of the software use.

a simple suggestion,


Having said all this, I can relate to the frustration of spending time 
and then having a patch denied entrance into the repository.  And in my 
case it is a patch that adds freedom of choice and does not replace 
anybody's favorite thing.

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