You are one of the biggest "over-interpreters" (along with you 
attorney), so I'll just say, that original idea of open-source is surely 
dead... There goes your "idealism" and fighting for freedom.

Why doesn't your attorney post some good explanations, but not based on 
"I think that everything is violating GPL, even thinking about 
circumventing it". I'll read that and end discussion, till then, I 
consider your private opinions to be only "private opinions", if they 
would be hard-facts, why every other post has "IANAL" in it?

About the part that has any sense:

Zach Welch pisze:
> What will it take to get you and others to drop this issue?

I thought that it's obvious. We want to make OpenOCD popular, and in our 
view - for Windows this requires easy to use, working out-of-the-box 
distribution that uses ftd2xx.dll (isn't that the idea of a distribution?)

Or just say - "we don't care whether OpenOCD is mainstream or 
total-underground" - we'll be gone too, why should be try to make 
OpenOCD popular, when it's creators want it the other way?

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