On Tuesday 23 June 2009, Magnus Lundin wrote:
> David Brownell wrote:
> > On Tuesday 23 June 2009, Magnus Lundin wrote:
> >   
> >> Zach does not speak for me. As far as I can see he and David are 
> >> actively against any exception, I am not!!!
> >>     
> >
> > I'm not against adding such an exception for the FTD2XX code.
> This is a  VERY different tone from before, so you actually support an 
> exception ??

Well, I raised it as an option the first time around, and seem
to be the *ONLY* person who has done any of the necessary legwork
(identifying an initial set of 50 developers who'd have to agree
to that re-licensing).

So I don't think there's any change in tone...

Plus, keep in mind that other than a few minor bits for ICEpick
support, my contribution (so far?) has primarily been to get the
User's Guide into more useful shape.  That guide is under FDL,
and doesn't link with FDTI code.  English, not C.  ;)

So while I seem to have made more contributions than most of the
flamers in this discussion, I still don't think I have any more
skin in this game than to want the license to be obeyed.  Those
folk who advocate license-breaking are sabotoging the project in
several ways ... weakening the license does nobody any good.
Formally changing it would be OK, if it's possible.

- Dave

> > However, I don't think it's practical to have one for a release
> > that ships in the next couple weeks.
> >
> > And it may not be practical to have one at all, if there are
> > any copyright holders who won't agree (or can't be contacted).
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