Carsten Breuer a écrit :
Hi Michael,

is there any other GDB then insight or the EclipsePlugin under
command line gdb

Not really ;-)

There is setedit that uses gdb. I haven't tried the one on windows but it works nicely on Mandriva and Fedora.
It is much much faster than with eclipse or insight. It is command line stuff but you can run it in a terminal.
Set has some for dos and debian. We put the binaries and source code on SourceForge.
If you want to try it on Linux I have some on my website.
You will need to install the turbo vision library as well. I haven't updated my packages since SourceForge made the last changes.
You can recompile the source if you can't install my binaries on your Linux distribution.

Insight and Eclipse are just applications using gdb.

You could write your own if you dislike those. Aside from that there

Yep, that's perhaps the way to go. I have thought about that already, but
want to check first if someone else is crazy enough too doing it ;-).
One way could be too port insight or KDbg to QT.
KDbg isn't ported to QT 4 yet, but it is "on the way".

kdbg would be nicer. insight sucks.
If someone would come up with something that looks like IAR or Raisonnance that'd be neat.
I'm looking into that but right now I am too busy with my porting of STM8 to GCC.

are commercial ones that don't use gdb, Raisonance and IAR are good.

Yep, but these don't use OpenOCD, right?

Best Regards,

IAR could but it is expensive. At work I paid around $6000 for it. It costs about $1500 per year for support.
If you can affor to buy that one you might as well buy a J-Link which doesn't require openocd since it has the RDI support.
The new version of IAR arm supports gdb server.

Raisonnance is a lot cheaper. I don't know about the ARM version, the one I bought is for the STM8 for around $1400.


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