
Currently there is no single scheme used. Some chips (like STM32) use only one generic target cfg file with (more or less accurate) default values that (more or less) suit the whole family. Other chips (like LPC from NXP) have separate cfg files for each chip.

In a recent discussion (Problems with workareasize and STM32F100 (8kB of RAM)) I mentioned problems with default values of WORKAREASIZE in stm32.cfg (16kB), that made flashing chips with lower amount of RAM (<16kB) really slow (~200 bytes/s) beacuse block writes are impossible then. Of course this default value could be changed to "least common denominator" throughout the family (4kB IIRC), but this would limit the flashing speed of chips that actually have more RAM (tests - https://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/openocd-development/2010-October/016792.html ).

Therefore I propose a completely new target cfg files scheme for OpenOCD - separate cfg files for all target devices and organized directories. Something like:
- target
        - STM32
                stm32.cfg       // generic file
        - LPC17xx
                lpc17xx.cfg     // generic file
        - LPC2xxx
                lpc2xxx.cfg     // generic file
        - STR7xx
        - STR9xx
        - ...

and so on.

The idea is to still have generic cfg files (if possible) with safe defaults (least common denominator). Chip-specific cfg files would just define "right" values and include generic family files. It should be possible to still use generic files alone - just like now.

Main pros:
- user-friendliness - there would be no need to change anything (or very little - crystal frequency) in target cfg files - low impact on current setups (only change the path to file - "target/stm32.cfg" -> "target/stm32/stm32.cfg" [or sth like that]) - maximize performance - no need to limit workareasize for chips with lots of RAM

Main con:
- a lot of files (there are >80 stm32f's, and so on)

I'm willing to prepare patch, but I'd like to hear maintainers' opinion first, as my time is limited and wasting it is not my purpose (;

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