On 21/03/2011 14.20, Øyvind Harboe wrote:
I didn't do anything clever here.

Reading the cortex_a9/a8.c logs it looked like Cortex A8 had simply
been abandoned, so I copied cortex_a9.c onto cortex_a8.c, did a quick
search and replace job and deleted cortex_a9.c.

Any objections?


Does this look OK?

Are all the changes that went into cortex_a9.c appropriate for cortex_a8?

git log -- src/target/cortex_a9.c>ll.txt

I think they are OK.
The only thing to check is that cortex_a9.c is very OMAP4430 oriented and has some ROM table workarounds (in cortex_a9_examine_first) that could not work well on other CPUs.
Unfortunately at the moment I have no cortex A8 boards to test it.
Anyway I wonder where 0x80000000 come from, since I can't find any docs in regard. Maybe Aaron is the right person here to answer (if he don't mind, of course :-)

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