On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 11:44 AM, Laurent Gauch
<laurent.ga...@amontec.com> wrote:
> If our ft2232.c patches are not merged quickly, Amontec Team will certainly
> come with a new specific jtagkey.c API driver  instead of the ft2232.c JTAG
> driver.
> The advantage with a specific Amontec JTAGkey API driver in openocd, will be
> to see our patches merged in the minute, instead to wait 1 to 2 months ...
> also the ft2232.c will still be usable for the JTAGkey.

This is the solution, you will have your own driver to manage then :-)
But you will then create another DRIVER not API as the interface API
is already set :-)

I think project needs more support in cleanup and maintenance at the
moment, as there are some doubts on even more changing or complicating
existing code, creating your separate playground for testing new
features seems sensible. Also if you want to make a release, make it
happen, do not expect other to do the job for you. Please note that
this is not against your ideas, the project simply needs to be cleaned
up and restructurized because it gets more and more complex with new
functionality that is still growing and can get out of control soon.
This is all kept koherent by only one (?) person that does not take
money for all this time and effort to keep things organized. This is
my personal opinion, maybe other people think different, but there
might be a point where new people won't be able to add new features at
all in sensible time soon. I can tell this as a new person here, it
took me few months to get familiar with the code. I expected things to
be more clear, readable and organized. Adding more complex code that
does no more than old simpler code is not a good developlment
practice. If you still only want to push things forward, create your
separate piece of code and experiment right there without affecting
general organization - I can understand this approach - if others dont
maybe creating working-copy fork for testing stuff is also a good
solution, git helps managing things like this and you have full source
code access. But then you would have to manage it yourself to see it
is not that trivial task as it might look/seems.

To be on topic - on my FreeBSD box using libftdi it seems not to be
possible to use one configuration for all interfaces, it does not
work, there is a slight difference in ft2232_device_desc, but the
vid/pid is the same. Creating separate driver that can handle that on
multiple OS should do the job :-)

Best regards :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info
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