Hello Rodrigo & OpenOCD comrades!

Le jeudi 07 juillet 2011 à 14:55 -0700, Rodrigo Rosa a écrit :

> the c part of your code was very useful. i'm was the telnet port, and
> ignoring the output i did not care about.
> now with the gdb port i get:
>   - "0" for success
>   - "1" for fail
>   - a message "invalid command name ...." if the cmd name is invalid
>   - whatever the command would normally output to the telnet console
> if i run "capture command_name \x1a" or "capture {command_name
> command_arguments} \x1a".

Nice to know this bit of code was useful to you!

> regarding the tcl part: i don't know much about tcl, and i couldn't
> get answers from you tcl script.
> examples:
> > mdh 0x0
> Sending "mdh 0x0" ... OK.
> > asdsf
> Sending "asdsf" ... OK.
> > sdfsdf
> Sending "sdfsdf" ... OK.
> > sdfsd
> Sending "sdfsd" ... OK.
> > flash
> Sending "flash" ... OK.
> > capture flash
> Sending "capture flash" ... OK.
> > capture flash
> Sending "capture flash" ... OK.
> > capture asdfs
> Sending "capture asdfs" ... OK.
> the debug console show the output from openocd (warnings, errors, etc)
> but nothing on the tcl script.

Fetching properly the server's response wasn't too much the focus of my
original script, and so it did it badly :D.

But with some fresh ideas from folks on the #tcl freenode channel, I
came up with the following script, which seems to work very well!
Non-blocking read & fileevent based, this is supposedly the optimal
solution (and a bit overkill in this simple scenario). Give it a try,
and feel free to report any problems.

        # Simple tcl client to test OpenOCD tcl_server
        # Original script idea by Charles Hardin
        # Author: Maxim Cournoyer, 2011
        # OpenOCD server settings
        set server localhost
        set port 6666
        set EOC \x1a
        proc get_reply { channelId EOC } {
                set LAST_CHAR ""
                set reply ""
                # Loop until we receive $EOC char
                while { [string compare $LAST_CHAR $EOC] } {
                        if { [eof $channelId] || [catch {append line [read
        $channelId]}] } {
                                close $channelId
                                puts "\nConnection or server error."
                                exit 1
                        set LAST_CHAR [string index $line end]
                # Server returns empty string (only EOC received) if OK. Longer
        output is
                # returned in case of wrong command name or if the user
        specified the command name
                # with the capture parameter, e.g.: capture { halt }
                if { [string equal $line $EOC] } {
                        puts "OK."
                } else {
                        set line "[string range $line 0 end-1]"
                        puts "$line"
                global done_flag
                set done_flag 1
        puts "Use empty line to exit."
        # Open TCP socket
        set fo [socket $server $port]
        # Configure the channel in non-blocking mode
        fconfigure $fo -blocking 0
        # Configure event driven read command
        fileevent $fo readable {get_reply $fo $EOC}
        puts -nonewline stdout "> "
        flush stdout
        while { [gets stdin line] > 0 } {
                puts -nonewline stdout "Sending \"$line\" ... "
                puts -nonewline $fo "$line$EOC"
                flush $fo
                # Event driven get_reply routine is being ran.
                vwait done_flag
                puts -nonewline stdout "> "
                flush stdout
        close $fo
        exit 0

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