On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Akos Vandra <axo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Bingo, I am working on Ubuntu 10.10, x64, gcc 4.4.5 (shipped with ubuntu).

cool :-) i will prepare the vm then :-)

> ../../src/helper/types.h:140: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or
> ‘__attribute__’ before ‘be_to_h_u16’

exactly, types.h. Please take a look at the original openocd types.h
maybe this is working and we will know what is wrong :-)

> I'll try to spam you less 'til mid october then, I have some work to
> finish myself, but I have to get going with my thesis as well. :)

no problem, i can give you some hints almost right away but i can get
to the code for serious in 2...3 weeks. I also finish my diploma,
currently waiting for an exam, this is the last delay cause ;-)

> Also, should we spamming the developer list, or rather continue this
> discussion personally? I'm not familiar with opensource development
> *at all*, so I'm not familiar with list policies either.

On one hand it may be good information source for other people that
want to get into SWD/SWO, so we can post here. We can also post
private to minimize the message amount. Let the other developers
decide, both options are good for me :-) If you are not that familiar
with the development I would also recommend to get into OpenOCD's
internals first as it tool some considerable amount of time for me to
guess whats going on :-) I can see the reason to better document the
SWD work, I will do it in the openocd manual after my diploma exam :-)

Best regards,

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info
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