On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 05:46:38PM -0800, Bill Campbell wrote:
>I'm attempting to bootstrap the current openpkg on a FreeBSD 4.7 system,
>and have run into similar problems where the configure isn't finding the
>``ar'' program with openssh-3.6p1-20030331 and lftp-2.6.5-20030228.

Following up on my own post, I'm attaching a diff file for the
openssh.spec file after making changes that allow it to build on
our FreeBSD 4.7 system.  The changes aren't specific to our
system, and should work without change on other systems.

The changes I made were:
Make the mdoc2man.pl script executable.
Fix the perl path in mdoc2man.pl fixpaths fixprogs.
Force AR="%{l_tool_locate ar}" in ./configure.

INTERNET:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:              camco!bill   PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:           (206) 232-9186   Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

The question is, why are politicians so eager to be president?  What is
it about the job that makes it worth revealing, on national television,
that you have the ethical standards of a slime-coated piece of
industrial waste?
                -- Dave Barry, "On Presidential Politics"
--- openssh.spec.orig	Tue Apr  1 22:41:30 2003
+++ openssh.spec	Tue Apr  1 22:42:46 2003
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 Group:        Security
 License:      BSD
 Version:      %{V_base}%{V_portable}
-Release:      1.2.1
+Release:      1.2.1a
 #   package options
 %option       with_pam     no
@@ -107,6 +107,13 @@
+	# this program isn't executable
+	chmod +x mdoc2man.pl
+	# These should have the path to perl set properly
+    %{l_shtool} subst \
+		-e 's!/usr/bin/perl!%{l_tool_locate perl}!' \
+		mdoc2man.pl fixpaths fixprogs
     #   configure package
@@ -118,6 +125,7 @@
     CFLAGS="%{l_cflags -O} `%{l_prefix}/bin/fsl-config --all --cflags` $inc" \
     LDFLAGS="%{l_ldflags} `%{l_prefix}/bin/fsl-config --all --ldflags` $lib" \
     LIBS="`%{l_prefix}/bin/fsl-config --all --libs`" \
+	AR="%{l_tool_locate ar}" \
     ./configure \
         --prefix=%{l_prefix} \
         --sbindir=%{l_prefix}/bin \

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