Looks like our mail system cut out my shell script based on it's
extension.  I gzip'ed it instead here.

On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 10:03, David M. Fetter wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 22:27, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:
> > > Shouldn't the newer version of the software and the openpkg revision
> > > make it so they don't want to be updated?
> > 
> > Yes, these should be not downgraded. How can this happen to you?
> > Perhaps is the UPD 00INDEX.rdf.bz2 not read here?
> Currently, I'm sync'ing a local copy of the SRC for 2.1, doing some
> cleanup, reindexing and then doing the upgrade.  I'm not sync'ing over
> the UPD dir at this time.  I was assuming that simply by having the
> newer revision installed, the openpkg tools would identify it as such
> and thus not attempt any update ever since the version in SRC is not
> newer.  If I sync both SRC and UPD, will the openpkg tools automagically
> identify the newest version, ignoring the other versions and use that
> for the updates?  I was under the impression that this wouldn't work
> either and it would instead be confused by the two different versions. 
> I attached the script I'm using to do this work for you to look at.  It
> should explain in detail what's going on.  Please correct me if I'm
> mistaken in any of these assumptions.  Thanks.
David M. Fetter - UNIX Systems Administrator
Portland State University - www.oit.pdx.edu
"Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible."

Attachment: opkg-update.sh.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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