On Thu, Mar 03, 2005, David M. Fetter wrote:

> Something seems wrong with how Expect and Tcl interacts in regards to
> dependencies.  The problem occurs if you have a prior version of Tcl and
> Expect installed, then go to upgrade to any other version.  What happens
> is that the update fails when trying to upgrade Tcl using the build
> tools.  It seems to be because Expect has a specific version of Tcl
> required in it's Requires section.  Since Expect has Tcl as a
> requirement then the build tool sees that Tcl should be upgraded before
> Expect as per the order it derives based on what exists in the Require
> section of all of the rpms.  However, since Expect has a specific
> version of Tcl required, the update of the newer Tcl fails because the
> currently old Expect that is installed requires an older specific
> version of Tcl.  I'm thinking that line #61 of the expect.spec file
> should be:
> PreReq:       OpenPKG, openpkg >= 2.3.0, tcl >= %{V_tcl}
> Instead of:
> PreReq:       OpenPKG, openpkg >= 2.3.0, tcl = %{V_tcl}
> Line #60, which is the BuildPreReq, has the same line.  I'm not sure if
> this should be changed though.  I'm thinking that only the PreReq should
> be changed while the BuildPreReq stays with the specific version as that
> seems that it would logically function as is needed and not break
> updating from an older version to newer as well.  Does this logic seem
> proper to you guys?

Hmmm... yes, this is a reasonable idea. The BuildPreReq we definitely
cannot change because Expect requires definitely _both_ the sources and
the installed files and if they do not match it too easily can break
under build-time. But relaxing the PreReq is a very good idea because
a break under run-time is less likely and it would be broken usually
during updates only. I've relaxed the dependency now as you suggested:
Thanks for the idea.
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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