On Fri, Apr 05, 2002, Andrew J Caines wrote:

> Having just migrated from locally built mostly-defaults postfix to the
> OpenPKG version, I've noticed a couple of difference which I have so far
> been unable to track to the source.
> This may be an RPM and/or Postfix issue. Since my previous install used
> mostly defaults, I expect differences to result from build or config
> changes in the OpenPKG packaging. I'd appreciate any assistance either
> way.
> Old postfix logged via syslog. OpenPKG postfix does not.
>   I'd like to handle logging through syslog, not have logging
>   directly to some file under /cw.

Using syslog is against the OpenPKG rule of 100% self-containment and
especially breaks support for multiple OpenPKG (and Postfix) instances
on a single machine (which we use a lot). So the Postfix package has
to log to a file under <prefix>/var/postfix/ in OpenPKG. But you can
easily build a Postfix package with syslog support. Just remove the
fakesyslog-related things from the postfix.spec. That's all.

> Old postfix logged info messages for each message. OpenPKG postfix does
> not.
>   In /cw/var/postfix/log/postfix.log, the only messages are the
>   start/stop/error type from master. smtp and the other daemons
>   do not appear to be logging.
>   I need smtp messages too, at least.

I think this could be wrong permissions. Perform a "chown cw" in your
case on the postfix.log. Or look at the logging level in the main.cf.

> Old postfix handled dbm maps (the default). OpenPKG postfix does not.
>   postalias gives "fatal: unsupported map type: dbm" for
>   "postalias /.../filename" where main.conf has dbm:/.../filename
>   or even hash:/.../filename. Only by changing main.cf to use
>   hash: and by running "postalias hash:/.../filename" was I able
>   to make the databases.
>   I'd like to use dbm again.

OpenPKG consistently uses Berkeley-DB across packages because although
the dbm/ndbm API is supported by most Unix platforms the underlying
hash file format is far away from being portable and equal. What is
the reason why you dislike DB and want to use DBM? If you insist, just
replacing the HAS_DB stuff in postfix.spec with HAS_DBM should do the
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
User Communication List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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