On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 07:23:57PM +0200, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 03, 2002, Miles Egan wrote:
> > 1.  Previous releases included make in the openpkg base package.  This no longer
> > seems to be the case, at least in my builds.  Is this deliberate?
> No, the bootstrapping package named "openpkg" never included GNU make --
> not in 1.0 nor in any -CURRENT version.

Hmm.  My mistake.  Not a problem in any event.

> > 2.  Are there any plans for Os X / Darwin support?
> Sure, as long as we have a machine available for porting. Unfortunately,
> currently we have no PowerPC box available where we can setup MacOS X /
> Darwin, hence we cannot do anything ourself here.

I'm happy to do what I can here.  Again, I'm hoping it won't be too difficult.
Darwin very closely resembles the BSD unixes.

I'm building with the new version Michael just mentioned.  Fingers crossed.

miles egan
senior unix sysadmin
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