On Fri, Dec 12, 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I got rpm -bb SRC/courier-imap/courier-imap.spec to build all rpm
> The only strange message I reconized during compilation/packaging was:
> Finding  Requires: (using /opkg/lib/openpkg/find-requires)...
> objdump: /opkg/RPM/TMP/courier-imap-2.2.1-root/etc/init.d/courier-imap: File format 
> not recognized
> objdump: 
> /opkg/RPM/TMP/courier-imap-2.2.1-root/opkg/lib/courier-imap/libexec/authlib/authdaemond:
>  File format not recognized
> [...]
> How should I interpred this ?
I think you should interpret this as a failure. Have you tried running
objdump? What doesn objdump -i indicate, or objdump -p authdaemond?

> I also don't understand why I got some files (see build info below) in the
> directory /etc and not /opkg/etc as I set in the .spec
> %define _prefix %{l_prefix}/lib/courier-imap
> %define _sysconfdir %{_prefix}/etc
> %define _mandir %{_prefix}/man
I have two guesses. First, maybe you failed to specify the system config
directory to the configure script (often --sysconfdir=...). Second, maybe
the configure script is broken or doesn't allow you to change the system
configuration directory. In the latter case, you will have to find the
places in the source files where the path is hard coded. Correct the hard
coded pathnames using shtool subst or sed, just like is done in the package
'dss' quite a lot.

> Does my courier-imap.spec and src.rpm are for some interest for the OpenPKG
> project. I would like to be helpfull in any way for this great project.
Yes, it would be very nice to have courier-imap. Once your happy with your
results, please contribute it and I'll test it out on all the other


Development Team, Operations Northern Europe
Cable & Wireless Telecommunications Services GmbH

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