On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 01:40:00PM -0700, David M. Fetter wrote:

> appropriate packages are to be ADDed and some to be UPDATEd.  I just
> looked at the generated install script and what I see is that everything
> is pointing to the repository except for where it wants to do the 'rpm
> -Uhv' of the package.  There it's giving the path of
> /usr/local/RPM/USERS/BIN.  I'm not sure why it would be doing this. 

If there is a suitable binary package in ${rpmdir} it will be used
unless you use the -a,-u or -U option.

With one of these options or if there is no suitable binary package
in ${rpmdir} it will be "rebuilt".

Rebuilding the package from a source package in the repository
means to compile it with rpm --rebuild.

Rebuilding the package from a binary package in the repository
means to copy it using curl.

In either case the ready binary package (which either already
existed or has been rebuilt or has been copied) is installed
or updated from ${rpmdir}.

Use -u and you should see commands to curl the files from the
repository to ${rpmdir} and to rpm -Uvh from there.

N.B. it is unclear to me why -a triggers the same behaviour. Probably
some misguided optimization that should be removed from the build

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."
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