On Thu, Jul 21, 2005, Simon J Mudd wrote:

> Although this is slightly off topic I am able to build gcc-3.4.4 on AIX
> 5.1 using the following script after untarring the tar ball and cd'ing
> into the gcc-3.4.4 directory.
> [...]
> This takes 3 hours 40 minutes on my hardware...
> I haven't tried to install since the build works I now need to make the
> build steps look more like the gcc.spec build steps so I can actually
> build the gcc rpm properly.
> It looks like I've got a bit more playing to do but once I can get some
> sort of gcc-3.4.4 openpkg rpm built I can use it for building other
> openpkg rpms.
> Not exactly progress but at least it gives me a "working base" to move
> against.

Cool. Please tell us if you find out what fu%&&ng problem in gcc.spec
currently prevents us from getting this beast working undr AIX. Thanks.

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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