On Tue, Jul 26, 2005, Doug Summers wrote:

> Since this platform does not have /dev/random I needed to install prngd
> first before OpenSSH. After trying to install openssh I was getting
> "Connection refused" related to the prngd socket. For whatever reason
> openssh was only looking for the prngd pool at /dev/egd-pool. I could
> not find a way to change this in the openssh source files. To fix this I
> had to do the following:
> 1) Edit rc.prngd here:
>     %common
>       prngd_pidfile="/openpkg/var/prngd/prngd.pid"
>       #prngd_socket="/openpkg/var/prngd/prngd.socket"
>       prngd_socket="/dev/egd-pool"
> 2) Renamed rc.prngd to rc.101prngd (needs to start ahead of openssh - is
> there a better way?)
> 3) Removed IBM rpm of prngd and old /dev/egd-pool
> 4) Start prngd then install openssh.

You can use the "-p" (Priority) option to %start and %stop inside the
rc.prngd file for changing its startup priority. I've done this now in
CURRENT for us. I've also now moved the prngd_socket variable into the
%config section so you can adjust it in your rc.conf without having
to change the rc.prngd (which will be overwritten on upgrades). And
I've now adjusted CURRENT's "openssl" (which is used by "openssh") to
automatically detect an existing <prefix>/var/prngd/prngd.socket".
So, with the latest CURRENT versions of "openssl" and "prngd" no more
hacking should be necessary for you under AIX. The only AIX issue which
remains here is that one has to know to install "prngd" under AIX.

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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